- I'm afraid you're going on a fool's errand. 我恐怕你會枉費心機。
- He went on a gawk 's errand again. 他又一次做了徒勞無功的事情。
- He go on a refresher course in bookkeeping. 他繼續學習筆記進修課程。
- We will play sports or go on a picnic. 我們將做戶外運動或去野餐。
- Will they go on a picnic next week? 他們下星期將去野餐嗎?
- I had rather go on a picnic with my girl friend. 我寧願和我的女朋友去野炊。
- The doctor says I've got to go on a diet. 醫生說我得節食。
- Caesar wouldn't pull a hair for his eagle. You're on a fool's errand. 鷹對愷撒來說無足輕重,你們的任務毫無意義。
- They refused to go on a picnic on such a dirty day. 他們拒絕在這種惡劣的天氣去野餐。
- I think you should go on a diet. 我看你應該節食。
- He went on a gawk's errand again. 他又一次做了徒勞無功的事情。
- go on a fool's errand 作無謂的奔走,干徒勞的差事
- go on a fool rs errand 無謂奔走; 白白受罪; 做徒勞無功的事
- The group goes on a lecture tour of site in greece. 該旅遊團前往希臘著名景點進行修學旅遊。
- The prisoners went on a hunger strike. 犯人們進行絕食抗議。
- He' s thinned down a lot since he went on a diet. 他自從節制飲食以來已經瘦了不少.
- She' s gone on a jaunt into town. 她到城裡遊逛去了.
- We go on a picnic although the weather is cold. 雖然天氣冷,我們還是去郊遊吃野餐。
- They had gone on a journey to France. 他們已到法國旅行去了。
- She's gone on a jaunt into town. 她到城裡遊逛去了。