- Don't let defeat fill you with gloom. 別讓失敗使你灰心喪氣。
- Many people associate dark clouds with depression and gloom. 許多人把烏雲與沮喪、陰鬱聯繫起來。
- I made out two dim shapes in the gloom. 我在朦朧中看出有兩個模糊的影子。
- He tried to banish gloom from his thought. 他試圖驅除心中的憂愁。
- This tonic will work miracles for your depression. 這種補藥對治療你的憂鬱症十分有效。
- His death cast a gloom over the country. 他的死給這個國家蒙上了一層陰影。
- His future seemed filled with gloom. 他的前程似乎黯淡無光。
- Several banks failed during the depression. 有幾家銀行在不景氣時期倒閉了。
- She just sat there, sunk in depression. 她就坐在那裡,情緒十分低落。
- My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the gloom. 我的眼睛對黑暗慢慢適應了。
- Economic depression often follows war. 經濟不景氣常因戰爭所致。
- The news of defeat cast a gloom over the town. 戰敗的消息給小城蒙上了一層憂鬱。
- Depress the space bar on a typewriter. 按下打字機上的空格鍵
- In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building. 在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建築物的輪廓來。
- He committed suicide during a fit of depression. 他一時想不開,自殺了。
- He lost his job during the great depression. 他在大蕭條時期失業了。
- In the gloom I can only just discern the outline of a building. 在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建築物的輪廓來。
- Depress this button to rewind the tape. 按下這個按鈕倒帶。
- A depression usually brings bad weather. 低氣壓往往帶來壞天氣。
- He suffers from acute depression. 他患有嚴重的抑鬱症。