- Zhejiang Industry: on the way to global market. 走向世界的浙江工業
- They're reaching a global market at normal cost. 他們不用增加成本就取得了在全世界的市場地位。
- The global market brings about more fierce competition. 國際市場帶來更大的競爭。
- It is high time for us to explore the global market. 現在正是我們開拓全球市場的最佳時機。
- How to Frame Your Brand Strategy in the Global Market? 如何制定全球品牌戰略?
- Keynes described this global market in which trade flowed freely. 凱恩斯描述了全球市場的情況,在這個市場中貿易自由流通。
- The global market for PET containers is continuing to grow. PET容器的全球市場正持續發展。
- The Canadian maple syrup has 85% of the global market. 世界市場上的楓葉糖漿有85%25都是源自加拿大。
- Degussa is the global market leader in specialty chemicals. 公司簡要介紹:德固賽集團是世界領先的特種化工公司。
- In modern global market,buyers' market play a dominant role. 在當今時代的全球市場中,買方市場越來越佔據著統治地位,為適應這一發展趨勢,越來越多的企業紛紛把關注的目光由過去聚焦在產品上,逐漸轉移到客戶上。
- The Canadian maple syrup has 85% of the global market. 世界市場上的楓葉糖漿有85%25都是源自加拿大。
- How will you meet the challenge of an evolving global market? 您將如何滿足不斷變化的全球市場的挑戰?
- Decorations show the eclecticism of the global market. 裝飾品表明全球市場的折衷和兼容。
- Citigroup Global Markets Canada Inc. 花旗集團環球市場加拿大分公司。
- Managing global markets and global talent. 管理全球市場和全球人才。
- The story caused a stir in global markets. 該報道引起了國際市場的轟動。
- The backward infrastructure of India keeps it from being a great global market. 該國的基礎設施落後,阻礙其成為全球化市場。
- Its contribution to the local economy and global market cannot be overstated. 其對本地經濟及全球市場作出的貢獻絕不容忽視。
- Abstract: There is growing demand of chamois leather in the global market. 摘要:油鞣革的需求在全球市場上不斷增加。
- "The global market for vehicles paints a dramatic picture," said Wissmann. 它通常綁定在代理伺服器的1080埠上。