- Rabindranath Tagore 2 called it a teardrop glistening on the cheek of time. 羅賓德拉納特·泰戈爾稱它為閃耀在時間面頰上的一滴淚珠。
- Glistening trimmings were hung over the Xmas tree. 聖誕樹上上下下懸挂著亮晶晶的花彩。
- Br as your teardrops stain my sheets. 還有你焦灼了。
- Countless stars are glistening in the sky at night. 夜空有數不清的亮晶晶的星星。
- It is a teardrop he tattooed on his face. 在他的臉上,有著淚珠的圖騰。
- The light drizzle is my teardrops. 細雨一絲絲,就是我的淚珠,
- It was real gold and glistening. 是真正的黃金,很亮。
- For its glistening black cobblestones. 以黑色發亮的鵝卵石而聞名。
- To dry away every teardrop that you cried. 拭乾你哭泣的每一滴眼淚。
- Her eyes began to glisten, and her lids to twinkle. 她的眼睛開始發亮,眼皮直眨。
- It is the teardrop for birthdays and mother's days. 他的淚珠,滑落在生日與母親節。
- That in his arms lay glistening. 使君所挽,妾形幻滅。
- While he jumped, a teardrop fell from the city pig. 跳的時候,城裡的豬掉下了一滴淚。
- Why does my hair glisten a shiny silver? 為什麼我會白髮蒼蒼?
- Teardrop Blood Garnet Matches a Red Socket. 淚珠血榴石 對應紅色插槽。
- Her eyes were glistening with tears. 她眼裡閃著晶瑩的淚花。
- And turn into a teardrop,dripping to the night. 化作一滴淚珠,掉進深夜裡。
- Glistening lip color with a high-gloss finish. 同樣濕漉的嘴唇顏色具有高光色澤。
- Dewdrops sparkle [glisten] in the morning sun. 露珠在晨光下閃閃發光。
- The leaves are glistening with rain-drops. 樹葉上的雨滴閃閃發亮。