- The name of the Distributor used by the Publisher. 發行者使用的Distributor的名稱。
- Copyrighted by the Publisher and proofed by the artists. 圖像尺寸:約。
- The picture is bordered for free by the photographer. 照片有攝影師免費裝框。
- Connections are used by the triggers that fire at the Subscriber and propagate changes to the Publisher. 連接用於在訂閱伺服器上激發且向發布伺服器傳播更改的觸發器。
- The designer was given free rein. 設計者可以自由發揮。
- This is to prevent you from being banned by the publisher for disregarding their request. 這是為了防止您因為忽視發行商的要求而被發行商禁止。
- The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage. 鐵路免費運送的行李是有一定數量的。
- Air Fare: Provided free by the company: Air ticket -one way at the end of service. 公司提供合同期滿的回程機票。
- Forth, promoting sell activities by the publishers. 四、清初通俗小說出版者的促銷活動。
- When this is the case, all resources that were in use for this resource are made free by the garbage collector. 這種情況下此資源使用的所有外部資源都會被垃圾回收系統釋放。
- The following is a memorandum issued by the publisher of a newsmagazine, Newsbeat, in the country of Dinn. 過去三年中我們銷量最低的幾期雜誌是在封面上刊登了國際新聞故事的那幾期。
- All water used by the fire-brigade for fire extinction purpose is supplied free by an act of Congress. 根據議會的法案,消防隊用於滅火的水全部免費供應。
- Each sketch in the book has been placed squarely on it's page;possibly by the publisher or possibly by Da Vinci. 這本書中每一幅素描都放置在頁面的正中間,這可能是出版者的主意,或許是達芬奇的主意。
- Give credit to those who are currently engaged in the career prospects, personal employability have a full understanding of the best left some room for free by the time dilemma. 舉貸者對目前從事的職業前景、個人的就業能力等都要有充分的認識,最好留有一定的餘地,免得到時進退兩難。
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我們到河邊野餐去吧。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的慾望所支配。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 這座城市被敵人炮擊了。
- The title for her novel was foisted on her by the publishers. 她的小說書名是出版商強加給她的。
- Suffering can only be freed by detaching the spirit imposed by the body. 只有精神強加於物質,那麼才可以把苦楚釋放出來。
- Mary was appalled by the dinginess of the house. 瑪麗被那骯髒的房子嚇壞了。