- One's love affaire are one's his own busiress. 一個人的愛情是他自己的事情。
- Give sb a ring Give me a ring if you can come. 如果你能來給我打電話。
- And you will feel your nagle』s love and be happy. 你會感受到你的天使對你的愛,你會幸福的。」
- Call sb sth to order get one's give sb his marching orders in apple pie order in running working orderbook in stock but we can order it. 這書我們沒有存貨,但是可以預訂。
- All it took was one glance, I don''t know if it''s love at first sight. thoughts of you dace through my mind. 我不知道這是否是一見鍾情, 但是我會一直等下去...
- Inever really recovered from the s Love ock of his wifee dying. 他還沒從他妻子的過世中恢復過來。
- It was Kassebaum』s love for nature that won her the competition. 這是卡斯鮑姆熱愛大自然的她贏得了人們的競爭。
- Laetitia was born in a single-parent family.Though she never met her father and cared by him, her mother』s love and care give her a warm family and a happy childhood. 李霽霞出生於法國巴黎一個單親家庭,雖然沒有父親的愛護,母親的愛與呵護給了霽霞一個溫暖的家、一個開心的童年。
- Have cold feet give sb get the cold shoulder in cold blood leave sb cold make sb's blood run cold pour throw cold water on sthor an activity. 被排斥在某集體或某項活動之外的。
- State that you are considering giving sb a rest for a week. 聲明你正在考慮讓sb放一個星期的假。
- Give sb a Roland for one's Oliver 以牙還牙;針鋒相對
- A mother[,]s love is like a beacon brinig bright with kindness and prayer. 媽媽,謝謝你賦予我生命,母親,謝謝你給了我春天般的溫暖。
- Are soothed beneath the artist s loving hand. 被一個畫家充滿感情的雙手撫慰。
- Give sb six months'interest-free credit, ie allow sb to pay within six months, without adding an extra charge for interest. 給予某人六個月的無息賒欠期。
- That』s lovely / great / wonderful! 那很可愛/很了不起/很精彩。
- How romatic!You can not only show your talent but also win MM』s love. 不但能展現你的才藝;而且又能獲得MM的芳心.
- give sb the edge of one's tongue 痛罵某人
- My love of today fings no home in the nest deserted by yesterday's love. 在昨日之愛遺棄的巢穴中.;我的今日之愛找不到家
- Notice of give sb a present Send close furniture, see literal can know, should be the thing that can make mom more comfortable, say to send a chair for example. 送禮須知送貼心傢具,看字面就能知道,應該是能讓媽媽更舒適的東西,比方說送椅子。
- State that you are considering giving sb a prolonged rest from matches. 聲明你正在考慮讓sb放一個長假。