- In considering people for jobs, we give preference to those with some experience. 對於求職者,我們優先考慮有一定經驗的人。
- We give preference to applicants with some experience. 我們優先錄用有經驗的申請人。
- We believe the tender committee will give preference to your firm. 我們相信招標委員會將有意於貴公司。
- Fuel supply authorities should give preference to the supply of oligosaprobic coal for civilian use. 燃料供應部門應當優先將低污染的煤炭供給民用。
- In considering people for the job,we give preference to those with some experience. 在考慮這份工作的人選時,我們將優先考慮那些有一定工作經驗的人。
- We give preference to those with education and service industry sale experience. 具有教育及服務行業銷售經驗者優先。
- In considering people for the job, we give preference to those with some experience. 在考慮這份工作的人選時,我們將優先考慮那些有一定工作經驗的人。
- Instead, it will assess the financial situation of each candidate and give preference to students from poorer backgrounds. 替代的做法是將對每個申請入學學生的經濟狀況進行評估,而給予家庭貧窮學生以優先考慮。
- Ignore the need for balance and give preference to views that support their established views. 忽略平衡和諧的需求,給與偏袒的見解以支持他們已經確立的觀點,固執己見。
- Accreditation and adoption processes should give preference to open educational resources. 認證和採納過程應當給予開放教育資源優先權。
- Instead,it will assess the financial situation of each candidate and give preference to students from poorer backgrounds. 替代的做法是將對每個申請入學學生的經濟狀況進行評估,而給予家庭貧窮學生以優先考慮。
- Do you prefer to have rice or buns? 你願意吃飯還是吃饅頭。
- Further to such compliance, China would give preference to application of price-based measures as set forth in the BOPs Understanding. 除遵守這些規定外,中國將優先援用。
- Instead, it will give preference to entrepreneurs, financial high-flyers and skilled foreign professionals such as scientists and top engineers. 相反,新體制將優先選擇企業家、金融界優秀人才和高技能的外國專業人士,例如科學家和優秀工程師。
- Note that lex gives preference to longer matches, even if they re later. 注意,lex優先選擇更長的匹配,即使它們更靠後。
- I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我願意坐在汽車的前面。
- If the Unit resumes hiring within six months, it shall give notification to the reduced employees and give preference to the persons dismissed at the time of the reduction. 用人單位依照本條第一款規定裁減人員,在六個月內重新招用人員的,應當通知被裁減的人員,並在同等條件下優先招用被裁減的人員。
- Some people prefer to brazen a thing out rather than admit defeat. 有的人不願承認失敗,而是寧肯厚著臉皮幹下去。
- I prefer to live in small cities. 我更喜歡住在小城市裡。
- I would prefer to wait until tomorrow. 我寧願等到明天。