- Terminator s missile that almost decapitated Paco Buyo s hand on April 19, 1989. 1989年4月19日,「終結者」安切洛蒂那記勢大力沉的射門幾乎令皇馬門將帕科.布尤遭受斷手之災。
- Carletto Terminator s missile that almost decapitated Paco Buyo s hand on April 19, 1989. 1989年4月19曰,「終結者」安切洛蒂那記勢大力沉的射門幾乎令皇馬門將帕科.布尤遭受斷手之災。
- Does seniority give one the right to command? 難道年長資深就有權發號施令嗎?
- I cut my hand on some broken glass. 碎玻璃割傷了我的手。
- Please hand on the document to others. 請把這份文件依次傳遞給他人。
- They announced that she would give one extra song. 他們宣布說她將再唱一首歌。
- She seared her hand on the hot iron. 她的手被熱熨斗燙傷。
- His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him. 他衣冠不整往往給人一種假象。
- He' s scratched his hand on a nail. 他的手讓釘子刮破了.
- He's scratched his hand on a nail. 他的手讓釘子刮破了。
- She felt the stroke of his hand on her hair. 她感覺得到他的手在自己的頭髮上輕輕撫摸。
- We see inventive camera shots, some playful ones showing 1900』s hands on the keyboard in multiples: the man plays so fast that we hallucinate extra sets of hands. 我們看到了富於創意的攝影鏡頭,1900的雙手很調皮地在琴鍵上以重影的方式出現。他彈奏得太快了,以致使觀眾產生幻覺,看到多餘的手。
- "What will you have?" Oh, just give one on the city. "你想喝點什麼?""噢,只要一杯水。"
- Mike softly placed his hand on her shoulder. 麥克將他的手輕輕地放在她的肩上。
- "What will you have? " Oh, just give one on the city. 「你想喝點什麼?」「噢,只要一杯水。」
- Please hand on the magazine to Tom. 請把雜誌轉交給湯姆。
- Please hand on the magazine to your friends. 請把這本雜誌傳給你的朋友們看。
- Exercises give one a good appetite. 運動增進食慾。
- That gave one sense of lightness. 它給人一種輕鬆感。
- Time hangs heavy on sb.'s hands. 某人感到時間過得沉悶。