- In the view of ordinary people』s convenience, Xinjie Town should give more directions and help.According to the villagers』 consensus, outgoing problems will be early resolved. 考慮到老百姓方便,請新街鎮多指導幫助,在村民協商一致的情況下,爭取早日解決出行難。」
- It's a long way by road the train is more direct. 走公路很遠--乘火車近。
- Rich countries should give more aid to developing countries. 富有的國家應對開發中的國家多予援助。
- We would give more examples if we could afford the space. 假如我們能勻出篇幅來,就可以多舉些例子了。
- The Church should give more of a lead on basic moral issues. 教會應當就基本道德問題多做出些榜樣。
- Money is being used in place of something more direct. 金錢正在被更直接地用來取代某種東西。
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他選取了最直的路線。
- You must give more attention to your work. 你必須把更多的精力花在工作上。
- This town shows improvement in many directions. 該鎮在許多方面都有改進。
- For this make I can not give more than 10%. 至於這種貨我最多給你打九折。
- You should give more care to your work. 你應該多用心工作。
- We took a slightly more direct route. 我們選擇了一條略近的路線。
- Could you give more information to me? 你能給我提供更多的情況嗎?
- It' s a long way by road the train is more direct. 走公路很遠--乘火車近.
- Give more care to your spelling. 多注意你的拼寫。
- A path more direct than the main path;a shortcut. 捷徑比主路更直接的道路;捷徑
- Cows give more milk when they listen to music. 乳牛聽音樂時可以供應更多牛奶。
- Men have a more direct conversational style. 男人交談比較直截了當。
- Could you give more information to me ? 你能給我提供更多的情況嗎?
- A path more direct than the main path; a shortcut. 捷徑比主路更直接的道路;捷徑