- Dr Kirsch believes published data 「give an exaggerated view of a drug's benefit. Kirsch博士相信已經對外公布的數據」誇大了藥品的療效.
- Mr Howie acknowledges that the retail investment boom is taking place, but he says the numbers for new account openings give an exaggerated impression of the extent of retail investment. 豪伊承認,中國正在出現散戶投資熱潮,但他表示,新開戶數給人留下了散戶投資規模龐大的假象。
- That assessment may be too cynical, but it seems fair to say that the Chevron opinion, if read in isolation, would give an exaggerated picture of the deference that courts actually give to administrative constructions. 這一評價或許過於富有諷刺意味,但若孤立理解該案的見解,要說它過於誇大了法院實際上給予行政解釋的尊重,似乎還是公平的。
- He has an exaggerated idea of his own importance. 他自視過高。
- To give an account of in speech or writing. 描述口頭或書面描述
- An exaggerated display of piety. 假虔誠,表面虔誠做出過分虔誠的樣子
- She gave an incomplete account of the incident. 她對那個事件作了不完整的敘述。
- She gave an eyewitness account of the crime. 她對親眼目睹的犯罪事件作了陳述。
- An exaggerated devotion is the scandal of our sex. 過分的虔誠是我們女人的醜行。
- A judge must give an objective opinion. 評判員必須發表公正的意見。
- Give an account of what happened. 把事情的經過告訴我們。
- An exaggerated or obsessive concern or fear. 誇大的或過激的擔心或恐懼
- To give an account of(events, for example). 敘述(例如,事件)
- She has an exaggerated sense of her own importance. 她自視過高。
- An exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody of a literary work. 模仿一種誇張或怪誕的模仿,如對一個文學作品的滑稽模仿
- An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit. 自負過度的自我重要感;自負
- Give an opinion; give an excuse. 表明意見; 給一個借口
- He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance. 他自視過高。
- The royal ballet will give an excellent performance at the concert. 皇家芭蕾舞團將在音樂會上作一次出色的表演。
- The policeman gave an account of the traffic accident. 警察敘述了交通事故的經過。