- 坐下 take 100take a chair
- 首相帶了大批隨從來華盛頓。TakeThe prime minister brought a large retinue to Washington with her.Take
- take 的過去式是 took。The past tense of 'take' is 'took'.
- 提供的get_authToken消息就是用於那些需要登錄的實現的。The get_authToken message is provided to accommodate those implementations that desire a login step.
- take delivery (貨物)受領
- 『Take place』是個常見的連語'Take place' is a common collocation.
- GET方法GET method
- (口語)停止,終止(常與take up連用)leave off doing sth.
- 獲取或設置客戶端使用的HTTP數據傳輸方法(GET或POST)。Gets or sets the HTTP data transfer method (GET or POST) used by the client.
- "短語動詞,像get up, catch up with 等都 是很有用的。""Phrasal verb, such as get up, catch up with, etc. Is most useful . "
- take the goods out of bond (完稅後)提出被海關扣存的貨物
- 當首次初始化應用程序后(首個GET請求后),將發生以下過程When the application is first initialized (after the first GET request), the following processes occur
- 試比較happen、 occur、 take place這叄個詞語.Compare happen, occur and take place.
- 定義屬性Get和Set方法Defining the Property Get and Set Methods
- 歌名就是「What's yr [your] Take on Cassavetes」。The song is called What's Yr [your] Take on Cassavetes.
- Function、Sub、Get、Set或Property語句必須在源代碼行中單獨出現。A Function, Sub, Get, Set, or Property statement must be alone on a source code line.
- 是否應把這句話里的「take a look at」作為固定短語記?And are the phrases @look at@ and @take a look at@ the same in meaning?
- 它是get_bindingDetail消息的響應返回。It is returned in response to the get_bindingDetail message.
- 但「take a look at」這用法比動詞短語「look at」更有用。for the noun @look@ in the expression
- 為值提供Get和Set方法的。That provides Get and Set methods for the value.