- He finished the work without any difficulty. 他輕而易舉地完成了這項工作。
- He solved the maths problem for his younger sister without any difficulty. 他毫不費勁地幫他妹妹解開了這道數學題。
- We did the job without any difficulty. 我們毫不費力就做完了工作.
- Can you make yourself understood in English without any difficulty? 你可以毫無困難地用英語表達你自己的意思嗎?
- My baby can pronounce this word without any difficulty. 我孩子讀這個詞沒有任何困難。
- You can switch over from one circuit to another without any difficulty. 你可以毫無困難地從一個電路轉換到另一個電路。
- I wish I could make no mistakes in the exams without any difficulty. 但願我能毫不費力地在考試中不出差錯。
- The plane can fly over the endless snowfield without any difficulty. 飛機能夠毫無困難地飛越這一望無際的茫茫雪原。
- The plane can fly over the boundless snowfield without any difficulty. 飛機能夠毫無困難地飛越這一望無際的茫茫雪原。
- The plane can overfly the endless snowcovered field without any difficulty. 飛機能夠毫無困難地飛越這一望無際的茫茫雪原。
- Plane can fly across the boundless snowfield without any difficulty. 飛機能夠毫無困難地飛越這一望無際的茫茫雪原。
- The plane are able to fly over the endless snowfield without any difficulty. 飛機能夠毫無困難地飛越這一望無際的茫茫雪原。
- The airplane can fly over the endless snow field without any difficulty. 飛機能夠毫無困難地飛越這一望無際的茫茫雪原。
- She could distinguish between the different tastes without any difficulty. 她可以輕而易舉地區分出不同的口味。
- Although the jewels were locked in a strongbox ,the thieves stole them without any difficulty . 儘管珠寶被鎖在一個結實的箱子里,小偷還是毫不費力地把它們偷走了。
- Whether foreign investment enterprises enter into China service trade market without any difficulty? 外資入華顫三顫?
- Although the jewels were locked in a strongbox,the thieves stole them without any difficulty. 儘管珠寶被鎖在一個結實的箱子里,小偷還是毫不費力地把它們偷走了。
- Although the jewels were locked in a strong box, the thieves stole them without any difficulty. 儘管珠寶被鎖在一個結實的箱子里, 小偷還是毫不費力地把它們偷走了
- Although the jewels were locked in a strongbox , the thieves stole them without any difficulty. 儘管珠寶被鎖在一個結實的箱子里,小偷還是毫不費力地把它們偷走了。
- Plans can fly over this snowfield which is stretches to the horizon without any difficulty. 飛機能夠毫無困難地飛越這一望無際的茫茫雪原。