- To participate in the Olympiad more important than to get victory. 在奧林匹克運動會中最重要的事情是參與,而不是取勝。
- Only everybody is of one mind, we can get victory finally. 只有大家同心協力,我們才能最終取得勝利。
- One of the important lessons of life is to learn how to get victory of defeat. 人生最重要的課程之一是如何學會從失敗中汲取教訓,邁向成功。
- The first responsibility of an enterpriser is to get victory by decision-making. 企業家的第一責任是決策制勝。
- One of the important lessons of life is to learn how to get victory out of defeat. 人生最重要的一課就是學會如何從失敗中獲得勝利。
- It is our due to respect intelligentsia without whom revolutionary would not get victory. 我們尊重知識分子是完全應該的,沒有革命知識分子,革命就不會勝利。
- Brief judge envisaging a composition is commonly with fancy develop come get victory, this do exercises in composition is not however such. 簡評想像作文一般都是以想像力的發達來取勝,這篇習作卻不是這樣。
- The actual strength of the other side and experience know south pood, if work really,rise, the chance of own get victory is very little. 普特南知道對方的實力和經驗,如真幹起來,自己取勝的機會很小。
- Cloth cover chimney normally the simple sense get victory with concise elegance, use plait, roll change of manner of edge, engraved designs. 布面燈罩通常以簡潔典雅的質感取勝,並用打褶、滾邊、刻花方式變化。
- For the market environment with Protean correspondence, in the get victory in intense international competition, the task that collect Mu company is in China is more main. 為了對應千變萬化的市場情況,在強烈的國際競爭中取勝,羅姆公司在中國的任務加倍主要。
- The WDC-year went well and I got victories. 贏得WDC的一年非常好。我獲勝了。
- The vigor of spermatozoon by computer radiate abate, so the vigor of Y, X is very weak, y does not take an advantage, even if be being handed in greatly also is not Y certainly first get victory. 精子的活力被電腦輻射減弱了,那麼y、x的活力都很弱,y占不到優勢,即使是深交也不一定就是y優先取勝。
- Build perfect sale network system, carry expedite and efficient sale channel, the get victory in just cooperating integral sale activity can advantageously to compete in order to be in. 建立完善的銷售網路體系,保持暢通高效的銷售渠道,才能有利地配合整體營銷活動以在競爭中取勝。
- Following service tenet of taking credit as root, getting victory with quality, our company sincerely welcomes new and old friends to come and negotiate business. 公司以誠信為本,以質取勝的服務宗旨,歡迎新老客戶來人來函洽談業務。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 讓我把我的零碎東西收拾起來。
- CCC:yes.... even in some ancient societies.... i read in Will Durant's Story of Civilisations... people who got victory used to eat the flesh of captured women and children.. 是的,在一些古代社會,我看了一本書維爾杜倫關於文明的故事,戰勝的人經常吃掉被俘婦女和孩子的肉。
- The captain of the winning team get all the glory for the victory. 得勝隊的隊長因獲勝而贏得全部榮譽。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使這孩子吃東西,真要費九牛二虎之力。
- He thinks the Mafia are out to get him. 他意識到黑手黨要來報復他。
- I get the house all shipshape while he is away. 他不在的時候,我把房子打掃得乾乾淨淨,整整齊齊。