- A value cannot be assigned in a set operation because the current. 對象為只讀,所以無法在設置操作中賦值。
- In a set operation, the culture value cannot be found. 在設置操作中,無法找到區域性值。
- You can also set operation that is specific to how intraverse provide security. 您也可以對IntraVerse如何提供安全設置特定的操作。
- The value specified for a set operation is less than or equal to zero. 為set操作指定的值小於或等於零。
- The value specified for a set operation is not a valid ThreadPriority value. 為設置操作指定的值不是有效的ThreadPriority值。
- In a set operation, the current custom culture is a replacement culture. 在設置操作中,當前自定義區域性是一個替換區域性。
- In a set operation, the value is not from 0 through 8 characters long. 在設置操作中,值的長度不在0到8個字元的範圍內。
- A property of the value in a set operation returned an invalid property value. 在設置操作中,值的屬性返回了無效的屬性值。
- Experimental and numerical results show that the mechanisms of crack coalescence is controlled by the geometric setting of the flaws and the confining pressure. 結果清楚顯示裂紋貫通機制主要受載入條件與預置裂紋幾何分佈的影響。
- Locks a property during a get or set, assuring that every get or set operation on a shared property is atomic. 在獲取或設置期間鎖定一個屬性,確保對共享屬性的每一獲取或設置操作都是原子操作。
- Performs a set operation that returns a union of two sets, removing duplicates. 執行一個集運算,返回兩個集的並集並刪除重複項。
- Performs a set operation that returns the cross product of two sets. 執行一個集運算,返回兩個集的叉積。
- The value in a set operation contains a character that is not in the range 'a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z', or '0' to '9'. 在Set操作中,該值包含一個字元,其範圍不在「a」至「z」、「A」至「Z」或「0」至「9」內。
- The length of the value in a set operation does not range from 1 to 79 characters. 在設置操作中,值的長度不在1至79個字元的範圍內。
- An algorithm for boolean set operation of regular volums of plannar polyhedral is described. 文中描述了平面多面體類正則幾何體布爾運算的一個演算法。
- The test set operates both the bleed valve and solenoid valve independently. 測試儀可以對排泄閥和螺線管閥分開操作。
- OQL supports set operations as well as projection and is based on C#. OQL支持設置操作和發布並且是基於C%23的。
- This paper proposes a new approach to robust polyhedral Boolean set operations. 提出一種可靠的多面體布爾集合運算方案。
- In a set operation, a circular reference was discovered: the assigned value is an ancestor of the current custom culture. 在設置操作中發現一個循環引用:指定的值是當前自定義區域性的父輩。