- The book went through ten editions. 這本書發行了10版。
- The climate of a large geographic area. 大氣候廣大地理區域內的氣候
- The geographic occurrence or range of an organism. 生物的地理分佈生物出現或分佈範圍的地理地區
- The dictionary has gone through ten editions. 本詞典已發行了十版。
- He edit a daily paper before he come to teach at our college. 他來我們學院任教之前充任過一份日報的主編。
- The inland part of a political or geographic entity. 內陸一個政治或地理實體的內陸部分
- The study of the geographic distribution of organisms. 生物地理學研究有機體地理分佈的學科
- The flora and fauna native to a geographic area. 一地理區域所固有的動植物
- A geographic dictionary or index. 地名辭典地理學的辭典或索引
- We have some miniature editions of this anthology. 我們有這本文集的袖珍本。
- Pocket editions of the book sell well. 這本書的袖珍本很好銷。
- The National Geographic Society began in 1888. 美國國家地理學會成立於1888年。
- Represents a geographic map object on the report. 表示報表上的地圖對象。
- Popular editions of the book are now out of stock. 該書的普及版現在銷售一空。
- Geographic variation of Larix olgensis. 長白落葉松種群地理變異研究。
- Here are original editions of imported books. 這兒是進口的原版書。
- Cheap editions usually have paper covers. 廉價本通常為紙封面的。
- These birds have a wide geographic distribution. 這些鳥的地理分佈很廣。
- Idaho is a state of dramatic geographic contrasts. 愛達荷擁有變化極大的地理差異。
- He used to edit the China Daily. 他曾任《中國日報》的主編。