- I wish you a safe and pleasant journey. 我祝你旅途平安愉快。
- These were gentle and cleansing tears. 這是溫柔而凈化心靈的淚。
- This lady has always been gentle and cultivated. 這個女人素來溫文爾雅。
- Mr. Riley's voice was deep and pleasant. 賴利先生的聲音低沉而悅耳。
- The houses are old and pleasant. 兩邊的房屋古樸有致。
- English bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures. 英國蜜蜂是一種溫順的、不傷害人的生物。
- The house had large and pleasant grounds. 這所房子有一個很大的、景色宜人的庭園(或園林)。
- Marx was a loving, gentle and considerate father. 馬克思是一位溫和、慈祥、寬厚的父親。
- He was a thoughtful fellow, gentle and encouraging. 他是個思想豐富的人,文雅而又鼓舞人。
- This was a new and pleasant revelation. 這是一個令人愉快的新的啟示。
- He was a very gentle and gracious youth. 他是一位非常斯文的,彬彬有禮的青年。
- The turquoise lake is gentle and calm. 你是要去參加什麼活動嗎。碧綠的湖水溫柔而沉靜。
- Mr. Donaldson is tall, white-haired, and pleasant. 董納森先生身材高大,白頭髮,和顏悅色的。
- Nehru was in a gentle and winning mood. 尼赫魯的態度顯得彬彬有禮,平易近人。
- The spring mattress is gentle and comfortaBle. 席夢思床墊,柔和舒適。
- The lunch was long and pleasant. 這頓午餐時間很長,氣氛也很愉快。
- The spring wind is gentle and caressing. 春風和暢。
- Most of them have gentle and melodious tunes. 一般以友情,愛情為創作基調。
- With all precious and pleasant riches. 美好寶貴的財務。
- My dream lovers is Gentle and Quiet! 我的夢中情人是文靜的!