- This time, the models performing onstage have gained a generous reward. 這次走台模特得到了豐厚的回報。
- Their salutation on the Day they meet Him will be "Peace!"; and He has prepared for them a generous Reward. 他們與真主會見的那天,真主對他們的祝辭是:「祝你們平安。」他已為他們預備了優厚的報酬。
- Soldiering is a dangerous profession, invariably underpaid but generously rewarded by the courage and constancy of one's comrades. 服兵役是個危險的職業,通常收入不高,然而卻可以因同胞的勇氣和堅定大受褒獎。
- I send him a book in reward for his help. 我送給他一本書來答謝他的幫助。
- Must you for me pay taxes to your reward? 你必須為我付給你的報酬而交稅嗎?
- The reward of this company is extremely bountiful. 這家公司的獎金是非常慷慨的。
- You have received a just reward. 你已得到了應有的報酬。
- He got a reward for helping them. 他因幫助他們而拿到一筆酬金。
- By rights, half the reward should be mine. 按理說,有一半獎賞應該是我的。
- You will have your reward in the fullness of time. 時機一到你就會得到酬報。
- The reward fell short of our expectations. 獎勵不符我們的希望。
- She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她積極努力,應得到獎賞。
- She got nothing in reward for her kindness. 她的好心沒有得到一點報償。
- She was paid generously to look after the children. 她看孩子的酬金很高。
- They are motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward. 他們受賞與罰的雙重因素所激勵。
- Please give generously to famine relief. 請為飢荒賬款慷慨捐贈。
- We gave generously of our own accord. 我們自願慷慨解囊。
- He contributed generously to the Red Cross. 他對紅十字會慷慨捐助。
- He gives generously to the poor. 他慷慨地施捨給窮人。
- One's due, reward, or punishment; requital. 報償,報應一個人應得報酬、報答、懲罰; 補償,賠償