- The general conception remained. 總的精神沒有改變。
- This is a critical concept for sled dogs. 這是一個非常關鍵的概念;雪橇犬.
- Refers to the general concept of a schema language. 泛指一般模式語言。
- It is general concept on numeric and non-numeric. 這是有數字和沒有數字的概念問題。
- Hatched the concept for the controller. 有策劃,孵化的意思。
- Hello! Whats the concept for the poster shoot? 你好。。這海報拍攝的構思是什麼呢?
- Describes general concepts and methods for menu merging. 描述菜單合併的一般概念和方法。
- Previous literatures agree with general conception of CLV basically. 目前的研究文獻對於客戶終生價值內涵的理解基本達成共識。
- Hypertext is a key concept for understanding the web. 超文本對於我們理解網路來講是一個很重要的概念。
- The concept for the prototype is an upscaled upside down umbrella. 該設計的概念是一個撐開來的倒傘形。
- The concept for insensitive munitions was introduced. 摘要介紹了鈍感彈藥的概念。
- E-business concept for customized shirts, wash- and iron service. 電子商務概念下在線定製襯衫,洗滌和熨燙服務。
- Logistics is a new concept for most companies in China. 後勤學是一個新的概念對於多數公司在中國。
- This refers not only to the person but it is also a general concept. 這不僅涉及到人,它也是一個通常的概念。
- Asset is an important concept for students who studies Accounting. 對於學會計的學生,資產是個重要的概念。
- Can you explain the basic concept for plan the new cold rolling mill line? 請你介紹一下規劃新的冷軋生產線的基本概念好嗎?
- Abstract: This paper put forward the general conception of basic algorithms on FC+2 level,analyzed the conditions of TBM interception. 文摘:探討了火力單元級指控站一些基本演算法的總體構思,並對攔截TBM的條件作了分析。
- This survey of MT PE concentrates on its general conception, its necessity, errors to be corrected, approaches, and post-editing. 本文從基本概念、必要性、要修正的錯誤、實現手段和實施者概述機器翻譯的譯后編輯。
- Main Application: Various equipment for derricking , lifting and drawing . 重要用途:各種起重、提升和牽引設備及重要機械和儀器等。
- Main Applications:Various equipment for derricking,lifting and drawing. 主要用途:各種起重、提升和牽引設備。