Transgenic or knockout of specific genes have led to the development of rodent models of spontaneous colitis. 轉基因和基因敲除動物模型帶動了自發性結腸炎動物模型的發展。
This would seem to prevent researchers from making dog "knockouts" lacking a specific gene or engineering dogs that produce mutant forms of a gene. 因為缺少一種特定的基因或能產生突變基因的轉基因狗,研究人員可能無法進行狗基因敲除。
Scientists have attempted to treat the disease with gene therapy, whereby the defective gene is swapped for a healthy one. 科學家一直希望用基因療法治療此病,即用健康基因把失去功能的基因替換掉。
Twenty percent of those mice, though, developed cancer, illustrating the risk of using retroviruses and a cancer gene to make cells for replacement parts. 但是百分之二十的那些老鼠發展成癌症,這表明了用反轉錄病毒的危險和在細胞使用腫瘤基因替換部分。