- But gaze intently, gaze intently again. Then look in retrospect at the mood you are in, and see if it is still tainted with a streak of vulgar thought. 但你凝神的看著,更凝神的看著,你再反省你的心境,看還有一絲屑的俗念沾滯不?
- To gaze intently may show your attentiveness, but is not that necessary.The best way is to look at him or her as naturally as he or she looks at you. 你不必總是盯著講話的人,但是如果說話的人在看你,你應該以自然的眼神回應對方。
- On the edge of the Arctic Ocean at Point Barrow, Alaska, several fur-clad Eskimos gaze intently at a narrow area of blue water between the ice floes where a great creature of the sea comes closer and closer. 在阿拉斯加巴婁岬角附近的北冰洋邊上,幾個愛斯基摩人正在緊盯著浮冰之間的一片狹窄的藍色水面,那裡有一個巨大的海洋動物在向他們一點點游來。
- To gaze intently; stare. 凝視;注視
- Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable. 你的注目凝視使她感到不自在。
- They gazed intently at the dense blue of the horizon, as if a little silhouette might appear there at any moment. 大家目不轉睛地直盯著深藍色的海平線,似乎那兒隨時都可能出現一個小小的船影。
- Javert began to laugh with that noiseless laugh which was peculiar to him, and gazing intently at the insurgents, he said to them: "You are in no better case than I am. 沙威以他那種獨有的笑容無聲地笑了笑,盯著起義者向他們說:「你們的健康並不比我好多少。」
- With shining, eager eyes Natasha still gazed intently and persistently at him, as though she longed to understand something more, that perhaps he had left unsaid. 娜塔莎圓睜著一對明亮亮的、興奮的大眼睛,仍然痴獃呆地盯著皮埃爾,就好像想要弄明白他似乎有可能還沒有說出來的那些話。
- He screwed up his eyes with an air of displeasure, and gazed intently at the figures of the prisoners, who presented a particularly pitiable appearance. 他不悅地眯著眼睛,專註地凝視那些法軍俘虜,這些俘虜的樣子特別可憐。
- Nevertheless, by dint of gazing intently he thought he perceived on the ground something which appeared to be covered with a winding-sheet, and which resembled a human form. 可是,仔細望去,他彷彿看見地面石板上橫著一件東西,好象是個人的身體,上面蓋著一條裹屍布。
- But when Lang finished-with an audible sigh-the Zentraedi collapsed his steepled fingers and leaned forward in his chair, gazing intently into the Humans' balcony area. 但當朗結束時,這位天頂星人嘆息一聲,原本指尖搭在一起的雙手攤開,身體從座椅上前傾,專註地凝視著人類所坐的包廂區。
- He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. 他好奇地盯著那個怪異的女人看。
- Under his intense gaze she felt uncomfortable. 他目不轉睛地看著她,使她覺得很不自在。
- He turned his gaze to the new comer. 他把目光移到新來的人身上。
- His reproachful gaze speared into my heart. 他那譴責的目光直刺我的心。
- He was examining the stamps intently. 他正在聚精會神地細看郵票。
- She regarded him closely, intently, curiously, etc. 她緊緊地、 目不轉睛地、 好奇地 ... 注視著他。
- She is intent on getting the job done quickly. 她決心儘快把這件事情做好。
- " The stranger gazed intently at him. 那陌生人用眼睛盯著他說:「哪個孩子?」
- She turned her head away, feeling too ashamed to meet his gaze. 因為害羞而不敢和他凝視的目光相遇,她把頭扭開了。