- The undo command change to can not undo on the menu if you cannot reverse your last action. 如果不能退回最後一個操作,「撤消」命令會變化到菜單上的「不能撤消」命令。
- Undoes the most recent undo command. 撤消最新的撤消命令。
- The undo command returns all checked-out files to a read-only, unmodified state. undo命令將所有簽出文件返回到未修改的只讀狀態。
- Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry that you typed. 使用「撤消」命令來撤消上一個命令或刪除最後鍵入的內容。
- In the case of a modified file, the Undo command simply overwrites the working file with the "baseline" version, the one that I last retrieved. 一個變更了的文件在這種情況下,撤銷命令用「基線」版本簡單的覆蓋了工作文件,基線版本就是我之前取得的那個。
- If you use the undo command to undo a pending change on another user's computer, you must perform a get operation in that workspace to update the local disk. 如果使用undo命令撤銷其他用戶計算機上掛起的更改,則必須在該工作區中執行get操作以更新本地磁碟。
- The undo command checks to see whether files that have pending edits being undone have been modified on disk. undo命令檢查具有正在撤銷的掛起編輯的文件是否已在磁碟上進行修改。
- In a drawing program, for example, there could be separate Undo commands for pigment application tools, transformations, and cut-and-paste. 在繪圖程序中,例如存在單獨的顏料應用工具,以及變形、剪切和粘貼的撤銷命令。
- In every game they were bested by their opponents. 每一場比賽他們都被對方擊敗。
- Stop gloating just because you won the game! 別因為贏了就揚揚得意!
- The game will lose its relish when you grow old. 你年紀大了以後,就會發現這種遊戲的趣味大打折扣了。
- The umpire ousted the arguing player from the game. 裁判員將那位不服判決的運動員罰下場。
- She capitalized on her opponent's mistake and won the game. 她利用了她對手的失誤贏得了比賽。
- Hardly had the game begun when it started raining. 比賽剛剛開始就下起雨來。
- Have you got any rain check for the following game? 你拿到下一場球的免費票了嗎?
- Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 阿森納隊在比賽的最後一分鐘進了一球。
- He is expected to win the game with ease. 預計他在比賽中會輕易獲勝。
- He made a bet that he would win the game. 他同別人打賭說這場比賽他會贏。
- The game didn't heat up until the second half. 遊戲玩到後半場才熱鬧起來。
- The game will be held on the aft recreation deck. 遊戲比賽將在船尾部的娛樂甲板上進行。