- Since China implemented its reform and opening up policies, the emergence of a galaxy of women writers has brightened the literary scene. 改革開放以來,中國文壇上女作家群的出現,給文字創作帶來了前所未有的繁榮。
- Since China implemented its reform and opening up policies,the emergence of a galaxy of women writers has brightened the literary scene. 改革開放以來,中國文壇上女作家群的出現,給文字創作帶來了前所未有的繁榮。
- Her creations at that time of woman writer in different. 她的創作在當時的女性作家群中與眾不同。
- Don't read the works of women writers of your same style. 不要多看那些和你一個路數的女作家的文字。
- A galaxy of film stars attended the premiere. 一群影星參加了首次公演。
- Though the writing of women writers in our country appears to be pluralistic,thewomen writers seem to stress their sex in consciousness. 雖然近幾年我國女作家的寫作呈現多元化的趨勢,但女作家們都在自覺地強調自己的性別意識。
- The formation of woman writer autobiography consciousness, ages custom, reading expectation, the sex realize and text realize of aware of self all is it important source. 女作家自傳意識的形成,時代風氣、閱讀期待、性別意識及文類意識的自覺都是其重要根源。
- This survey provides a general introduction to medieval European literature( from Late Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century) from the perspective of women writers from a variety of cultures, social backgrounds, and historical timeperiods. 此課程從各種文化、會背景和歷史時期的女性作家的視角出發,對中世紀歐洲文學(古典晚期至15世紀)行了大體介紹。
- This chapter concentrates on the subjective awareness and existential status of women displayed in the works of women writers such as Charlotte P. Gilman, Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton and Willa Cather, at the turn into the twentieth century. 集中探討了世紀之交的美國女性小說家,如夏洛特·P·吉爾曼、凱特·肖邦、伊迪絲·華頓和維拉·凱瑟等人的作品中所表現出來的女性主體意識和生存狀態。
- The company has a galaxy of talent. 該公司擁有一批優秀的人才。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他們對待婦女的方式惡劣得難以言表。
- So let's go. Let's rid the galaxy of evil doer's. 那麼我們走吧,我們讓這個星系擺脫那些邪惡的傢伙。
- We saw a galaxy of beauties at the concert. 我們在音樂會上看到很多美人。
- The emancipation of women depends on themselves. 婦女的解放依靠她們自己。
- The audience consisted mostly of women. 觀眾多數是婦女。
- They were split on the question of women's rights. 他們在女權問題上意見分歧。
- She shouldered a heavy burden of teaching and supervision, now reflected in the growing achievements of a brilliant galaxy of pupils. 她過去曾肩負著教學與監督的重任,現在這效果在一群優秀的學生的日益增長的成就中反映出來。
- His championship of women's rights is well known. 他提倡女權是眾所周知的。
- She spoke of the emancipation of women. 她談到了婦女的解放。
- The club was sponsored by a galaxy of British artistic talent. 該俱樂部獲得一群英國藝術天才的贊助。