- You gain one day when you go from Taipei to the U.S. 當你從台北飛到美國時就多得到了一天。
- A slip gains one three more years, two slips gain six years. 摔了一跤活三年,摔了兩跤活六年。
- Chinese Proverb"A man may be a pessimistic determinist before lunch and an optimistic believer in the will』s freedom after it. 「人在餓肚子時總是悲觀的,吃飽后才變得樂觀」,阿道斯赫胥黎。
- Valley appeared consistent reasoning dreamed of becoming a writer, and style of women"s freedom of changing the industry, Morita Sakura. 貫地谷出演夢想成為推理作家,且風格多變的女性自由業者,森田櫻。
- If we travel in the opposite direction, that is from west to east, we gain one day. 如果反方向旅行,就是說從西向東走,我們就贏得了一天。
- Communitarianism emphasizes that individual』s freedom and equality should be consistent with the values of the community. 在批評新自由主義政治哲學的基礎上,社群主義提出了關於公共利益和國家觀的理論。
- But in these vivid palettes, we has probably understood the romanticism harmony』s freedom,acracholia, as well as the rigorousness and the neatness of classicism musical form. 而在那些錯落斑駁的色彩中,我們又好像領略了浪漫主義和聲的自由、多情和古典主義曲式的嚴謹和工整。
- As DMUV implies that plp give up less when they gain one more extra unit of good.It enables them to maximize their gain under exchange. 狀態 離線 [quote="KoBe"]i think they can exchange they can use barter system price is then replaced by relative price(CE lvl relative price;one good in term of another good)[/quote5] I agree too.
- However, Morrison also probes the causes of Sula"s tragedy and suggests a new black womanhood with both Sula"s freedom and Nel"s rootedness in the community. 由此,我們可以看出,在種族,性別,階級等多重壓迫下,黑人女性的尋找自我之路雖然漫長和泥濘,但也是充滿希望的曙光。
- We've gained one advantage from this terrible accident. 我們從這件可怕的事故中,已經得到了一個收穫。
- But an important caveat needs stating:the exhilaration felt when reading Shakespeare, for example, lies in the reader』s freedom to build his or her personal reality from the text. 但一個重要的告誡需要指出:在閱讀時感到愉快莎士比亞,例如,在於讀者的自由,建立其個人現實的案文。
- A negative ion is an atom which has gained one or more extra electrons. 獲得一個或多個額外電子的原子稱為負離子。
- Ban Saier, an American brand, means men』s freedom and grace as modern fashion life , to jointly exploring Chinese and the Southeast Asian market and leading a high-quality scientific sleeping life . Vsq.;班賽爾品牌源於美國, 寓意為男人自由與風度,全力演繹現代時尚生活, 2007年成功與喜美傢具簽約合作開發中國及東南亞周邊市場, 倡導高品質科學睡眠生活。
- The contract mistake system is an important system in the civil law domain, in order to protect litigant"s freedom of contract and the relative person trusts the benefit and the transaction security. 契約錯誤制度是私法領域中的重要制度,為了保護當事人的契約自由和相對人信賴利益及交易安全。
- The mage gains one point of armor per dot she possesses in the Time Arcanum. 法師每具有一點時間奧秘,就獲得一點護甲。
- No practice, no gain in one's wit. 紙上得來終覺淺,要知此事須躬行。
- Gain got by a lie will burn one's fingers. 靠欺騙得利,准要吃虧。
- Ingratiate oneself with someone to gain one's ends 狗苟蠅營
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- The people there are fighting to gain their freedom from foreign control. 那裡的人民正在為擺脫外國統治爭取自由而戰鬥。