- The movie is juiced up by adding some battle scenes. 增加了一些戰爭的場面,影片更加激動人心了。
- The story is juiced up by adding some battle scenes. 增加了一些戰爭情節,使故事更加生動了。
- The movie is juiced up by addingsome battle scenes. 增加了一些戰爭的場面,影片更加激動人心了。
- We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes. 我們拍戰鬥場面需要上百的臨時演員。
- The battle scenes are bewildering. 打鬥場面混亂不堪。
- The enemy launched a full scale offensive. 敵人發起了全面進攻。
- The movie relies on full-scale battle scenes. 這個電影是靠全武行叫座兒的。
- The full scale of the disaster has yet to sink in. 人們還沒有完全意識到這場災難的嚴重程度。
- The battle scenes of those years reappeared in his mind's eye. 當年的戰鬥場面又重現在他眼前。
- The director decided to sex up the movie with some battle scenes. 導演決定加進一些戰鬥場面來使電影更加吸引人。
- They juiced up the movie by adding some battle scenes. 為了使該影片更富有刺激性,他們添加了一些戰爭鏡頭。
- It should be subjected to adequate full scale site trial. 它應當經過相當數量的現場試配。
- We've decided to sex up the movie with some battle scenes. 我們決定增加幾個戰鬥場面把電影拍得更加吸引人。
- It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster. 這場災難的深重程度是無法充分認識的。
- The battle scenes of that year reappeared in his mind. 當年的戰鬥場面又重現在他眼前。
- The factory will commence full scale operation next month. 工廠將於下月開始全力生產。
- Sudden pressure surges must never exceed the full scale value. 突然的壓力衝擊絕對不能超過全量程。
- Therefore staged in the parking lot on rats and crows battle scene. 於是在停車場就上演了一幕老鼠與烏鴉大戰。
- This means that the full scale reading would correspond to 0.5 Amp. 這意味著滿量程時讀數是0.;5安培。
- Denser forest battle scenes for a true feeling of being in the woods. 密集的森林戰鬥場面真正感覺在樹林中。