- full face machine 全斷面聯合掘進機
- Share where the full face value has been paid. 全部面值已付的股票。
- She is prettier in profile than at full face. 她的側面比正面好看。
- In full face he does not inspire confidence. 讓誰看到這張臉都不會對其產生信任感。
- I want to have a full face picture. 我想照張正面像。
- Her profile is better than her full face. 她的側面比正面好看。
- Protective eyewear (goggles or full face shields) that covers exposed skin and mucous membranes should be used. 應用護眼裝置(護目鏡或護臉罩)保護術者頭部暴露的皮膚及粘膜。
- Please affix one recent passport style color photo, with full face, front view, no hat, and against a plain light background. 請將1張近期正面免冠、淺色背景的彩色護照照片粘貼於此。
- One recent photograph of the applicant child is required. The photograph should be taken full face, without a hat. 申請人須呈交本人該兒童的不戴帽子的正面近照一張。
- Clifford sat in the pale sun. with the light on his smooth, rather blond hair, his reddish full face inscrutable. 克利福靜坐著,灰白和陽光照著他的光滑的近全栗色的頭髮,照著他的圓滿紅潤的、不可思儀的臉孔。
- Clifford sat.in the pale sun, with the light on his smooth, rather blond hair, his reddish full face inscrutable. 克利福靜坐著,灰白和陽光照著他的光滑的近全栗色的頭髮,照著他的圓滿紅潤的、不可思儀的臉孔。
- Clifford sat in the pale sun, with the light on his smooth, rather Blond hair, his reddish full face inscrutable. 克利福靜坐著,灰白和陽光照著他的光滑的近全栗色的頭髮,照著他的圓滿紅潤的、不可思儀的臉孔。
- Protectie eyewear (goggles or full face shields) that coers exposed skin and mucous membranes should be used. 應用護眼裝置(護目鏡或護臉罩)保護術者頭部暴露的皮膚及粘膜。
- Refund must maintain full face value, the tickets have been invoiced the audience must return the invoice. 退票時必須保持票面完整,購票時已開具發票的觀眾必須返還發票。
- full face rock tunnel boring machine 全斷面岩石掘進機
- full face TBM(tunnel boring machine) 全斷面掘進機
- The MSA 3S full face mask, the most successful mask design in the world with over 5 millions units sold, has been upgraded. MSA 3S面罩是世界上擁有最成功的設計,已售出超過5百萬件。
- full face rock shielding machine 全斷面岩石掘進機
- One of the most important things it allows me to do is counter the notion that big corporations are faceless machines. 這樣做其中最重要的一個目的是回擊「大集團公司都是無個性的機器」的這一說法。