- His explanation is full of contradictions. 他的解釋充滿矛盾。
- His remark is full of contradictions and flaws. 他的話前後矛盾, 破綻百出。
- Their lives are full of contradictions and ambiguities. 他們的生活充滿了矛盾和不確定。
- So all these novels are full of contradictions and absurdly unnatural. "故逐一看去,悉皆自相矛盾,大不近情理之說。"
- His words and deeds are full of contradictions and he is untrustworthy. 他的言行矛盾百出,讓人難以相信。
- Whatever society it is, especially the class society, it is full of contradictions. 無論什麼社會,當然特別是階級社會,都是充滿矛盾的。
- This time I was full of contradictions, on the one hand Xiaoyuer attachment, on the one hand, the Love of tea. 這個時期的我非常矛盾,一方面對小魚兒的依戀,一方面是對紅袖的憐愛。
- This conflict makes the literary text a decentered structure full of contradictions. 正因為這種衝突,使文本成為一個充滿矛盾的離心結構。
- Aestheticism emerged in a complex time and this made aesthetic writers full of contradictions in their works. 唯美主義文藝思潮誕生於多事之秋,這就決定了唯美主義者自身的矛盾性。
- The development of an objective process is full of contradictions and struggles,and so is the development of the movement of human knowledge. 客觀過程的發展是充滿著矛盾和鬥爭的發展,人的認識運動的發展也是充滿著矛盾和鬥爭的發展。
- The development of an objective process is full of contradictions and struggles, and so is the development of the movement of human knowledge. 客觀過程的發展是充滿著矛盾和鬥爭的發展,人的認識運動的發展也是充滿著矛盾和鬥爭的發展。
- With the development of new-curriculum, there is full of contradictions between the great needs of training and the limitary resources of training. 隨著新課程的不斷推進,巨大的培訓需求與有限的培訓資源之間矛盾突出。
- What is more important is that the globalization process of capitalism is an imbalance full of contradictions, in which contradictions of social development emerge. 更為重要的是,這種資本全球擴張和向資本主義生產模式轉變的過程是一個充滿矛盾的不均衡發展過程,社會發展的矛盾問題在這裡留下了論題。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他邁著堅定的步伐向前走。
- His life was full of contradictions between the great political ambitions and distressful experiences, which also influence even changed his personality. 宏大政治抱負與悲慘政治遭遇之間的矛盾伴隨了他的一生,影響並改變了他的人格。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本書貼滿了關於她的一些影片的剪報。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 紐約市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- The tendentiousness of the news facts refers to the tendentiousness of the facts in which man is the subject and the facts which are full of contradictions. 新聞事實的傾向性主要表現為:一些以人為活動主體的充滿矛盾鬥爭和利害關係的事實具有傾向性,而且這種傾向性是事實客觀存在的,是不以人的意志為轉移的。
- He delivered a long prose full of platitudes. 他發表了一篇充滿陳詞濫調的文章。
- She was full of shame at her bad behavior. 她對自己的不良行為感到羞恥。