- The front courtyard and the backyard are places for children to play. 前庭後院都是孩子們嬉戲的場所。
- In front courtyard careful, the accused undertook affirming to the identity of accuser through video, speech above all. 庭審中,被告首先通過視頻、語音對原告的身份進行了確認。
- Calm of season fine jade bear, chinese front courtyard ever also had a chapel to sign 8-10 the record of the project. 季琦坦承,漢庭也曾有一個禮拜簽下了8-10個項目的紀錄。
- Careful of 90 minutes of front courtyard ends last a period of time, but did not adjudge on the court. 歷時90分鐘庭審結束,但並沒有當庭宣判。
- Forensic dean blames administrative front courtyard to ought not to not see object tousle subpoena. 法院院長責備行政庭不該不看對象亂髮傳票。
- Initiated business affairs interlinks a hotel " Chinese front courtyard " had begun to rise abruptly. 開創的商務連鎖酒店「漢庭」已經開始崛起。
- There was a big banian in the front courtyard of the house where my father was born. 在我父親出生的房子前院,原來有一棵大榕樹。
- What in here as noticeable is front courtyard northern o Love Scylla who constrhe front courtyard's is a gi bant front door likely. 在古代這裡有拉美西斯二世的兩尊坐像、四尊立像和兩根方尖塔。
- After retreating front courtyard, the trainee recollects this adjudgement, feel him manner is not quite severe, lack deters force. 退庭后,實習生回憶這次審判,覺得自己態度不夠嚴厲,缺乏威懾力量。
- The pre-liberation sets up the privately established Minchin elementary school in the front courtyard, the dwelling preserves complete until now. 解放前在前院設私立民勤小學,館舍至今保存完好。
- Direct seeding of network of careful of try out front courtyard, advance net of juridical copy clerk to go up public system. 試行庭審網路直播,推進裁判文書網上公開制度等。
- Beautiful front courtyard lives in a stylist to divulge, owner hopes most decorate season ordinal it is the summer, spring, autumn and winter. 美庭家居一位設計師透露,業主最希望的裝修季節依次是夏季、春季、秋季和冬季。
- Adjudging on front courtyard, the judge sentences blame of his escape from prison before two times just about that judge of infliction. 庭上正在宣判,法官正是前兩次判他越獄罪加刑的那位法官。
- Hiemal D&G is blended in in fashionable restore ancient ways with element of palace front courtyard, will costly deduce acme, show brownstone aristocratic life adequately. 冬季的D&G在摩登中融入復古與宮庭元素,將奢華演繹到極致,充分展示上流社會的貴族生活。
- According to the detail of front courtyard careful that anthozoan atelier website discloses, chen Shoufu admits his guilt for a time, first instance was not adjudged. 根據珊瑚蟲工作室網站披露的庭審細節,陳壽福一度認罪,一審未宣判。
- First instance is sessional that day, the judge was not adjudged on the court, carry the possibility that Cheng denied front courtyard transfer to other localities is solved. 一審開庭當天,法官未當庭宣判,攜程否定了庭外調解的可能性。
- The 2nd, when the design program that debater front courtyard decorates, listen to the madam's opinion more, because she stays in the time in the home often over male host. 第二,討論家庭裝修的設計方案時,多聽取太太的意見,因為她呆在家中的時間往往多於男主人。
- Attend front courtyard careful besides the accused Zhang Mou and the accuser Wang Mou that appear in court through video, the daughter that still has party attends. 出席庭審的除了被告張某及通過視頻出庭的原告王某外,還有當事人的女兒參加。
- Why always: The name of 3 guns brand is pedigreed, the boss of the enterprise more than 60 years ago does front courtyard brightness, like dress to design. 何總:三槍品牌的名稱是有來歷的,六十多年前企業的老闆干庭輝,喜歡服裝設計。
- Presiding judge of administrative front courtyard is helpless, suggest to will try law case to inform the accused is uniform henceforth then invitation card subpoena instead. 行政庭庭長無奈,遂建議今後審理案子通知被告一律將傳票改為請柬。