- At 18, he's still rather frivolous and needs to grow up. 他到了十八歲仍然很不懂事,很不成熟。
- Frivolous and lighthearted;flighty. 輕浮的,輕佻的;輕狂的
- She laughed and was frivolous and rather brittle. 她哈哈大笑,說話態度輕佻,不過還顯得相當脆弱。
- Frivolous and lighthearted; flighty. 輕浮的,輕佻的;輕狂的
- I think badminton is great fun. It is fast and tricky. 我認為羽毛球很好玩,打球時必須動作敏捷,頭腦靈活。
- The nation could not afford frivolous and lavish promises. 國家不能輕易和過分地許諾。
- The dance as a whole is full of quick steps and tricky footwork. 這種舞蹈整體上充滿了快速的舞步和高難的腳步動作。
- The kind tiger and tricky fox. What a fun party!We love it! 和善的老虎和狡猾的狐狸。多有趣的派對!我們很喜歡!
- Cooking the sauce is always the most dangerous and tricky part. 做醬汁總是最危險,得保持機警的部分。
- It is very good at taking out masses of infantry and tricky garrisons. 它非常擅長幹掉大量步兵以及隱藏的駐防點。
- Inclination in that direction has long been considered frivolous and unmanly. 這方面的愛好長期被認為是輕薄和非男子氣的。
- To be sure, MRSA is a scary infection, fast-moving and tricky to diagnose. 自然,金黃色葡萄球菌是一種可怕的傳染病,傳播快而且難以診斷。
- Gauging the future of automotive design is a tough and tricky business. 衡量未來的汽車設計是一個艱難和複雜的業務。
- So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon forgotten. 今天我們所做之事有多少是瑣碎無功的,很快就被人遺忘。
- Under the fa?ade of morality and patriotism can be perceived the false and tricky political opportunist that he is. 從道德和愛國心來看,他能被看作是一個虛偽奸詐的政治投機者。
- To the dismay of wouldbe gene tinkerers, human eggs are scarce and tricky to work with. 未來的基因修補者吃驚的發現,人類的卵子數量稀少,而且很難對付。
- To the dismay of would-be gene tinkerers,human eggs are scarce and tricky to work with. 未來的基因修補者吃驚的發現,人類的卵子數量稀少,而且很難對付。
- Under the fa? Adeof morality and patriotism can be perceived the false and tricky political opportunist that he is. 從道德和愛國心來看,他能被看作是一個虛偽奸詐的政治投機者。
- Speculation is the mastermind of Jane Zhang, conspiracy is a frivolous and unscrupulous media. 炒作的主謀是張靚穎,共謀則是無聊與無良的媒體。
- So, a heretic and lofty style, mixing the frivolous and gorgeous one, could also be found in his poems. 杜牧出身世家,有抱負,不甘於萎靡不振。詩風也就艷豪並存,即使寫艷情,輕艷中也顯得闊大、曠達。