- The door shut with a bang after the angry man. 那人憤怒地走出屋把門砰地一聲關上了。
- His latest work came out with a bang. 他最近出的一本書很受歡迎。
- Your budget figures were bang on this year. 你今年的預算數字十分準確。
- A fringe of trees stood round the pool. 池塘四周聳立著一圈樹木。
- The sudden bang froze us in our tracks. 突然砰的一響,頓時把我們驚呆了。
- The firework exploded with a loud bang. 煙火砰的一聲爆開了。
- A loose end, fringe, or tuft of thread. 碎屑鬆散的線的末端、毛邊或一束線
- She always shuts the door with a bang. 她關門時總是砰的一聲。
- A line of palm trees fringe the swimming pool. 游泳池邊緣圍了一圈棕櫚樹。
- He gets a big bang out of movies. 他從電影中得到樂趣。
- The disturbance was made by a fringe group. 騷亂是由一個偏激集團製造的。
- She was awakened by a loud bang. 她被很響的關門聲吵醒了。
- Her criticisms were bang on every time. 她的批評每次都非常中肯。
- I didn't expect to bang into him there. 我沒料到會在那兒碰見他。
- A fringe group was separated from the main political party. 從該黨內部分離出來一個外圍集團。
- His latest record has really gone off with a bang. 他的新唱片銷路好極了。
- These measures will help reduce fringe costs. 這些措施有助於減少附加費用。
- He got a bang out of basketball. 他從籃球運動中得到樂趣。
- She heard someone bang at the door. 她聽見有人猛敲門。
- In that factory the company provides free meals as a fringe benefit. 公司在那個工廠里供給免費飯食作為一種福利補貼。