- Crisp fried pork slices with sauce 焦熘肉片
- Fried pork slices with Sweet and sour sauce 糖醋炒排骨糖醋咕嚕肉
- Fried pork slices with cream and onion sauce 奶油洋蔥汁煎豬肉片
- Fried pork slices with eggs and fungi; 炒木須肉;
- Fried pork slices with mushroom sauce 煎豬肉片蘑菇少司
- Fried pork slices with soya sauce 生爆鹽煎肉
- Fried Pork Slices with Salted Pepper 鹽煎肉
- The fried pork isn't cooked all the way through. 炸豬排沒有炸透
- Crisp bits of fried pork fat; cracklings. 豬油渣,油渣將豬的肥肉油煎后製成的鬆脆小片;豬油渣
- I prefer fried pork chops French style. Will it be long? 我喜歡吃法式炸豬排,這道菜時間長嗎?
- I prefer fried pork chops French style.Will it be long? 我喜歡吃法式炸豬排,這道菜時間長嗎?
- Heat oil at 200oC. Fry pork for about 7 minutes until golden brown. 將油燒熱至200度,將豬肉炸至金黃香脆,約7分鐘。
- Food Parings: strong-bodied seafood, stir fried pork or chicken. 搭配食物: 肉質豐厚的海鮮,炒豬肉或雞肉.
- Additional, eat leek to fry pork liver effective also. 另外,吃韭菜炒豬肝也有效。
- Fried Pork Stomach Slice with Green 名稱:酸菜炒肚片
- This dish sounds delicious, fried pork on a bed of roasted vegetables. 這道菜聽起來就覺得好吃,它是把炸過的豬肉放在烤蔬菜下面。
- Guest Good. We'd like a "Hui Guo Rou"-twice cooked spicy pork slices. 客好,要一個「回鍋肉」。
- Heat 3 tbsps of oil, fry pork chops over medium heat until golden brown on borth sides, remove. 燒3湯匙油,放入豬扒以中火煎至兩面金黃,取出。
- dried pork slice | dried pork jerk 豬肉乾片
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他將一片麵包對摺做成三明治