- At last, this paper discusses the modern development of「free will」theory and makes comments on the influences of the freedom theory of Hobbes and Locke in the conclusion. 最後,在餘論中,對「自由意志」理論在現代的發展和霍布斯與洛克自由觀所造成的影響進行了簡要的述評。
- Free will makes us able to choose our way of life. 自由的意志使我們可以選擇自己的生活方式。
- I came here of my own free will. 我是自願到這裡來的。
- I am going of my own free will, no one has ordered me to go. 我是自願要去的,並沒有人命令我去。
- If he refuses to leave town of his own free will, the boys will run him out. 如果她拒絕自願離開城區,孩子們將會把他趕出城。
- She separated from him of her own free will. 她是自願和他分開的。
- They debated the matter of free will. 他們辯論過自由意志的問題。
- The church teaches the doctrine of free will. 該教會信奉自由意志的教義。
- Free will make us able to choose our way of life. 自由的意志使我們可以選擇自己的生活方式。
- Everyone did the work of his or her own free will. 大家都志願做這項工作。
- It must not be imagined that one fine morning all the treasures you want will come to you of their own free will. 不能設想,在一個晴朗的早上,你想要的財寶會統統自動來到你身邊。
- Nigel helped me of his own free will. 奈傑爾幫助我是出於自願。
- Erode free will, and you erode that argument. 但是,自由意志被破壞了,這條論據也就不成立了。
- Do We Have Free Will, Or Is Everything Destined? 我們有自由意志,還是每件事都是註定的?
- Determinism denies the existence of free will. 宿命論否認自由意志的存在。
- Did you come here of your own free will? 你來這兒是出於你自己的個人意願嗎?
- She did it of her own free will. 她做那件事是出於自願的。
- Will Neuroscience Show That Free Will Is Fiction? 神經科學會證明自由意志是虛構的嗎?
- I am going of my own free will,no one has ordered me to go. 我是自願要去的,並沒有人命令我去。
- I didn't ask him to go,he went of his own free will. 我沒有要求他去,他是出於自願的。