- We charge the best price possible: they are both free services. 我們收費比較合理:這兩項服務均免費提供。
- The telecommunications giant was the first to edge in free services. 那家電信業巨頭是最先向免費服務領域進軍的。
- They give away money in the form of grants or provide free services. 他們以發放補貼或者提供免費服務的方式來給予支援。
- The guarantee provides for free service and parts. 保證免費修理。
- The installation is part of our free service. 安裝是我們免費服務的一部分。
- The hotel offers a variety of free services and entertainment for the participants. 飯店提供各種免費服務和娛樂。
- Registration grants you authorization to use the free services hosted on Office Online that require authentication. 註冊后可以授權您使用Office Online上需要驗證的免費服務。
- Information and free services for the settlement of Chinese new immigrants and students in Toronto of Canada. 提供加拿大多倫多華人新移民和留學生安頓資訊和義務諮詢服務。
- FREE SERVICE only for mainland Chinese NGOs or NPOs. 免費為國內機構發布招聘啟事。
- Cost effective: This is a free service provided by DHL-SINOTRANS. 節約成本:此項服務是中外運敦豪提供的免費項目。
- This is free service for its guests provided by the Hotel. 這是酒店為客人提供的免費服務。
- Firday is the final day to register for the free service. 周五是註冊免費服務的最後一天。
- Since the pro bono model seeks to deploy large numbers of law?yers to provide free services, it relies heavily on the big firm as a mass sup?plier of pro bono personnel. 因為公益性服務的模式是希望調動大量的律師提供免費服務,所以它非常依賴大型律所提供的大量人力。
- Eden Handicap Services Centre Bhd is a charitable non profit organisation providing FREE services to people with disabilities. 伊甸殘障服務中心乃屬一非營利慈善組織,我們所提供的服務皆免費。我們並不附屬任何商業集團、企業或公司。
- The public library adopts the humanization measure while whole free services are subjects which readers welcome most that reflect the rational return. 公共圖書館界推出了諸多人性化服務措施,而全免費服務是最受讀者歡迎的服務,它反映了公共圖書館精神的理性回歸。
- Preferential policies will be formulated to encourage taking public transportation,for example,spectators can enjoy free services on specific bus lines to the competition venues. 制訂公交優先政策,如憑比賽門票免費乘坐有關線路的公交車。
- If a new car is having teething troubles,free servicing is available locally. 如果新車有故障,當地可保修。
- Objectis is a free service, and a limited set of Zope products are available. Objectis是一個免費的服務,您可以使用一組Zope產品。
- Be aware that with the free service you're limited to 25,000 queries a day. 注意,免費服務每天限用25,000次查詢。
- Business Registration Number Enquiry is a free service to all persons. 查詢商業登記號碼是一項免費的服務。