- Lord, please make Bill.Albert to extricate oneself from a plight as soon as possible.Please make his spirit avoid tormenting. 主啊,請你幫助比爾.;阿爾伯特,使他儘早走出困境,使他的精神免受折磨。
- It's impossible to detach oneself from reality. 超脫現實是不可能的。
- This is a great example of how products can easily keep track of user behavior, so if some situation causes problems, it is easy to extricate oneself from that situation. 這是產品是輕鬆追蹤用戶行為的極佳例子,這樣即使有些情況下出現了問題,還是可以輕鬆地從困境中解脫。
- It is impossible to detach oneself from reality. 人要想超脫現實是辦不到的。
- One must not divorce oneself from the masses. 不應該脫離群眾。
- Is it cowardice to save oneself from persecution? 從迫害中解救自已也叫膽小?
- Amuse oneself from happy of three little Arab friends. 自娛自樂的三小阿朋友。
- To move oneself from one location or job to another. 調動使自己調換地方工作。
- Constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one's shortcomings, or other real or perceived threats to the ego. 自我保護的,自衛的不斷地保護自己,使自我不受批評,不暴露自己的短處或不受其它真的或可察覺的事威脅自我的
- If we want to extricate oneself from the predicament which we faced in the restriction by the law to individual exercising public power, we must solve the problems of two respects. 我們要走出對個人行使公共權力的法律制約的困境,必須要解決兩個方面的問題。
- China and Russia have passed the sound development during the last ten years in relations between the two countries since establishing diplomatic relations in 1991, Three last new chance to extricate oneself from awkward positions in succession. 中俄自1991年建交以來,兩國關係經過十多年來的健康發展,連續上了三個新台階。
- To understand beauty, one has to extricate oneself from the set pattern and follow a thinking pattern totally different from other cognitive ways. Then one can know how to understand beauty. 認識美只有跳出形而上與形而下所圈定的思維窠臼,建立一種與其它認知方式完全不同的思維方式,才有可能找到真正認識美的思維切入點。
- Numerous samshu enterprises, in order to extricate oneself from a predicament on the advanced samshu market while beginning to march one after another, the fierce fight appeared too on the "unpopular advanced samshu market "in the past. 眾多白酒企業為了擺脫困境紛紛開始進軍中高端白酒市場,以前「曲高和寡」的高端白酒市場也出現了激烈的爭奪戰。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船員仍然沒有患壞血病之虞。
- to extricate oneself from difficulties 把自己從困難中解脫出來
- to extricate oneself from a crisis 擺脫危機
- "It is necessary to free oneself from the way of thinking, which sets out from human problems and which asks for solutions on this basis.Such thinking is unbiblical," he asserted. 「他們應該放棄目前的思想方法,這種思想來源於人類的問題,並且只能在這個基礎上解決,這並非聖經的本意」,他斷言。
- Interestingly,there are several reasons why it is so important to distance oneself from the rest. 有意思的是,一定要拉開和其他人的距離,背後有很多原因。
- Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us. 從一天的工作中獲得快樂,從照亮籠罩我們的濃霧中獲得快樂。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 閱讀佔去了我大部分的閑暇時間。