- From spring to autumn,from primroses to flower of fragrant plantain lily and chrysanthemum,all have their honors of keep it company until the end. 碰巧有幾隻小蟲子爬過,這就是遠渡重洋的海輪。我幻想它是水中的荇藻,我眼前就真地展現出一個小池塘。
- Once autumn arrives, the flowers of fragrant plantain lily bring about a sense of chill, and then chrysanthemum marks the end of flower season. 一到秋天,玉簪花帶來凄清的寒意,菊花報告花事的結束。
- flower of fragrant plantain lily 玉簪花
- leaf of fragrant plantain lily 玉簪葉
- We became a group of your Princess of Lily flower with no regret. 我們義無反顧地成為了一群你的百合公主。
- Ingredients: Lily flower, Sweet Osmanthus, Young Tea Leaves. 成分:百合花,桂花,銀針茶。
- When autumn came, plantain lily brought a sense of coolness and sadness, while the chrysanthemum notified the end of flower-blooming. 一到秋天,玉簪花帶來凄清的寒意,菊花報告花事的結束。
- The group will rely on Yingjun Flower Base construct Northeast Kaffir Lily Flower Industry Garden. 集團將以英俊花卉基地為依託建設東北君子蘭花卉產業園。
- Has the sand beach for me the island. Has the sunlight for me thebalcony. With lily flower petal. 給我一個有沙灘的小島。給我一個有陽光的陽台。和百合花瓣。
- Tattoo artist Takeko keeps a framed design of the spider lily flower on the wall of her parlor. 傳說中,在通往靈界的道路兩旁,盛開著凄世絕美的金色花朵。
- I stopped the car in front of the small garden and bought a bunch of lily flower from a girl, walked towards the big theater column central channel. 我把車子停在廣場前的小花園旁邊,向賣花的姑娘買了一束鈴蘭,朝大劇院圓柱正中央的通道走去。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花園裡的空氣一片溫馨。
- But like other fresh cut flowers, lily will decay rapidly while blooming. How to prolong the longevity of lily flower has become one of the main subjects for studying recently. 但是,百合與其它鮮切花一樣隨著花朵的開放迅速衰老,如何延長百合花朵的壽命已成為近年來專家們研究的主要課題之一。
- Onions, green and red bell peppers, dried day lily flowers and mushrooms are all great ingredients for soups or dishes. 洋蔥、青紅椒、金針和菇類都是下湯做菜的上好材料。
- Inside the Jetta floated the fragrance of Lily flowers, which were Sansi's favorite. 捷達車的內部,有舞三絲最愛的百合花氣息。
- A plantain is similar to a banana. 大蕉類似於香蕉。
- Recreation areas-vanilla plants, the riverbank ecology, the lily flowers, water plants, bicycle riding. 休閒遊憩-香草植物、河邊生態、百合花卉、水生植物、自行車漫遊。
- The flowers gave off a fragrant odor. 花發出一陣幽香。
- Peak width Tanzania, such as Tobe, grass-yan faint, nasturtium, mountain lily flowers and other bits and pieces. 峰頂寬坦如砥,草茵幽幽,金蓮花、山卷丹花等星星點點。
- Dried lily flower with whelks Tops Chafing dish 鍋仔針菜螺頭