- The tinsel of parties and promotional events. 華而不實的晚會和促銷活動
- Her life was a whirl of parties. 她的生活在參加宴會中度過。
- I found the formality of the occasion irritating. 我覺得這種場合的繁文縟節十分討厭。
- Her life is one long round of parties and fun. 她的生活就是沒完沒了的聚會娛樂。
- Her life was one long whirl of parties. 她的生活就是接連不斷的聚會。
- The chairman dispensed with the formality of read the minute. 董事長省去了讀會議記錄的手續或做法。
- A combination of parties formed the new government. 各政黨聯合組成新政府。
- She didn't like the formality of the party. 她不喜歡宴會拘泥的禮節。
- A round of parties ushered in the New Year. 一系列的晚會迎來了新年。
- The endless succession of parties wore us out. 接連不斷的聚會把我們累垮了。
- A fusion is a coalition of parties. 聯合就是各個黨派結成聯盟。
- At board meetings you have to get used to the formality of the language. 參加董事會議必須習慣那些古板的語言。
- The views of party leaders coalesced to form a coherent policy. 黨的領導人的各種觀點已統一為一致的政策。
- Interpretation right system plays an important role in amending the formalization of debate doctrine, confirming parties's litigation, and actualizing fair resolution of disputes. 摘要釋明權制度對修正辯論主義的形骸化、明確當事人之間的訴訟關係,進而實現公平地解決糾紛發揮著重要作用。
- The rigid formality of the place suffocated her. 這個地方呆板的禮節壓制著她。
- There was a round of parties to celebrate our graduation. 舉行了一連串的聚會慶祝我們畢業。
- I found the formality of the occasion irritating . 我覺得這種場合的繁文縟節十分討厭。
- What is this? What kind of party organizer is he? 搞什麼嘛?他算哪種聚會主辦人?
- A group of parties, factions, or nations united in a common cause; a bloc. 政治聯盟一些政黨、派別或民族為共同事業而組成的聯盟; 跨黨派議員集團
- This is the inviolability of Party consolidation. 這是整黨的嚴肅性。