- FormⅡFormⅡ
- FORM表單simulative FORM
- 在「另存為」對話框中,鍵入「Sales By category Form」。In the Save As dialog box, type Sales By Category Form.
- form Ⅰ DNAⅠ型DNA
- form Ⅱ DNAⅡ型DNA
- 同report formtrace card
- FORM迭代演算法FORM iterative algorithm
- 聯合化為FORMunited-to-FORM
- 該示例要求已在Form上創建了一個Panel控制項和一個Button控制項。The example requires that you have created a Panel control and a Button control on a Form.
- low form (晶體)低溫型
- form ratio (河流)深寬比
- θ-form structureθ型結構
- Form控制項的操作URL。An action URL for a Form control.
- Free-form型磨齒機Free-form Gear Grinding Machine
- θ-form replicationθ型複製
- .NET Framework無法在類定義內從全局級別或架構範圍級別指定form。The.NET Framework does not have a way of specifying form on a global or schema-wide level within a class definition.
- 使用form元素的規則如下The rules for using the form element are as follows
- Form Filler(表格填寫器)Form Filler ?
- 為Form控制項提供分析支持。Provides parsing support for Form controls.
- Form類本身不是一個窗體。The Form class itself is not a form instance.