- It took me more than an hour to get home form work. 我從工作單位回家需要一個多鐘頭。
- Scrape the dough onto a lightly floured work surface. 刮出麵糰放到灑了少許麵粉的檯面上。
- Turn dough out onto a well-floured work surface and divide in half. 案台灑上麵粉,放上麵糰,切成兩塊。
- He has been less than diligent in his form work and shows none of the promise of earlier years. He has of course always been old beyond his years and he has perhaps stayed on too long. 他在提高競技狀態方面不夠刻苦,再也不像早年那樣顯得有出息了。他當然總是不如同齡人那樣對享樂或人生感興趣,也許是他呆在原地不動的時間太長了。
- Remove the seat back from the seat cushion and place it on a suitable work surface. 將座位靠背從座位墊上拆下,並將其放至適當的工作台上。
- Library to create simple clients and servers. Remember the thrill of watching your first HTML form work? 還記得注視您的第一個HTML表單作品時的興奮感覺嗎?
- Observation: No blisters, no cracks nor any surface deformations were observed on the work surface. 觀測結果:無起泡,裂縫或任何錶面變形。
- The kitchen used L form work station, make kitchen space exceeds envisage the ground to be mixed roomily neat. 廚房採用了L形操作台,使廚房空間超乎想像地寬敞和整潔。
- Fixed, permanently open horizontal slot shall be provided 17 inches above the work surface. 排氣槽水平方向離工作檯面要有17英寸的距離。
- The drawer unit has the same height as ROBIN desk and corner work station; provides extra work surface. 組合櫃與羅賓系列書桌和拐角工作台高度相同,提供額外的工作空間。
- You can move and resize the Expression Editor if you want a larger work surface. 如果需要較大的工作區域,可以移動表達式編輯器並調整其大小。
- Is the work surface lighting sufficient for the safe performance of production activities? 工作場所的光線是否充足以保證員工安全生產及作業?
- The construction of the Zhong-tain Square Project s standard storey s exterior beams,and exterior columns and core walls have been done by climbing form work. 中天廣場標準層外梁、外柱和核心筒牆體採用爬模,標準層樓面採用飛模。
- As soon as food comes into contact with a work surface, the micro-organisms that lurk everywhere try to proliferate on it. 當食物開始接觸工作表面時,無處不在的微生物就開始試圖在其上繁殖。
- Based on the example of an engineering work,the experience of application of fender piles for antifloating and external wall form work of underground building was introduced. 本文結合一工程實例,介紹了圍護樁兼作地下程抗浮和外牆模板的經驗,實踐證明效果良好。
- Transfer to a lightly floured work surface, knead gently to a smooth and pliable dough. (2) 將粉團分為四等份,用木棍輾開成四片十八 厘米方塊。
- Another marmalade-covered work surface, more rain hammering at the window and a moment, the moment. 備餐台上照例放滿果醬,這一刻外面雨下得更大了,敲打著玻璃窗。就是這一刻了。
- All stripper retainers must be removable from the working surface of the die. 所有的脫料板固定器都能夠從模具工作表面移除。
- The company von Berg Systeme GmbH &Co. KG offers services from the ranges Special form works, Shaped parts in addition to Template shaped parts. KG是一家理想的企業,該企業製造最新的、傑出的模製件,刮板模製件、刮板成型件,特殊電路。
- A secure grip or hold applied by a tool or machine upon a working surface. 固定器在工作面上使用工具或機器的夾緊或固定裝置