- Our professor is an academician of the Science Academy . 我們的教授是科學院的院士。
- Our professor is an academician of the Science Academy. 我們的教授是科學院的院士。
- This of course was not an autonomous development of forest science. 這當然不是林業學的一種自主的發展。
- Forest science presents many vivid and deterrent examples. 林業科學提供了許多生動的,引以為戒的例子。
- This greatly inspired the technical specialists of the Grassland Science Academy. 這給草原科學研究院的科技人員很大的啟發。
- At the Sichuan Grassland Science Academy, Mr. Robert Lang showed great interest in yak breeding and raising. 在四川省草原科學研究院,Robert Lang先生對我省在氂牛育種和飼養方面的工作表現出極大的興趣。
- Do the advanced Shandong medical science academy nursing have English direction? 山東醫學高等專科學校護理有沒有英語方向?
- He has been dreaming of entering the military science academy, so he is studying hard all the time. 他一直想考上軍事科學院,所以他一直努力學習。
- In mid-1992 China's Science Academy sent 15 naval specialists to Ukraine for two months to conduct a feasibility study on the matter. 在1992年年中的15個科學院派出專家到烏克蘭海軍兩個月進行可行性研究此事。
- TheChallenge, a part of The Winston School Solar Science Academy, teacheshigh school students around the world how to build roadworthy solarcars. 我們面臨的挑戰的一部分,學校太陽能溫斯頓科學院,教高中學生在世界各地怎樣建設道路上的太陽能汽車。
- Deputy head Hou Jianguo、Dou Xiankang and dean of Asia Academe Hong Xiaowen have attended it.And the execute prior of Information and Science academy Wei Guo presides it. 常務副校長侯建國、副校長竇賢康、微軟亞洲研究院院長洪小文等出席揭牌儀式和報告會,會議由信息科學技術學院執行院長衛國主持。
- WANG Lingping.2004.Study on the Biological Characteristic of Monochamus Alternatus Hope. Journal of Fujian Forest Science and Technology. 王玲萍;2004.;松墨天牛生物學特性的研究。福建林業科技。
- Taking a break from her busy job as principal at Brentano Math and Science Academy, Georgette Watson would wander into the preschool room next door to her office. 喬其特沃森,在布倫特數學科學院任校長,繁忙工作閑暇之餘她會到挨著她辦公室的幼兒園轉轉。
- KHALEKUZZAMAN M,ISLAN R.Micropropagation of Carambola by tissue culture[J].Bangladesh journal of forest science,1996,24 (2):1-4. 李繼紅;邵寒霜;黃貴修.;陽桃莖尖離體快速繁殖試驗[J]
- "You can't stick a pine branch in the ground and have it take root the way you can with a violet," says Steven Strauss, an Oregon State University forest science professor who has developed gene-splicing techniques for trees. 曾經開發了林木基因嫁接法的俄勒岡州立大學林木科學教授,斯蒂文·司特勞斯說:「不能像種紫羅蘭一樣,將一枝松枝插在地里,指望它會生根發芽。
- "You can't stick a pine branch in the ground and have it take root the way you can with a violet," says Steven Strauss,an Oregon State University forest science professor who has developed gene-splicing techniques for trees. 曾經開發了林木基因嫁接法的俄勒岡州立大學林木科學教授,斯蒂文·司特勞斯說:「不能像種紫羅蘭一樣,將一枝松枝插在地里,指望它會生根發芽。
- "You cannot stick a pine branch in the ground and have it take root the way you can with a violet," says Steven Strauss, an Oregon State University forest science professor who has developed gene-splicing techniques for trees. 曾經開發了林木基因嫁接法的俄勒岡州立大學林木科學教授,斯蒂文·司特勞斯說:「不能像種紫羅蘭一樣,將一枝松枝插在地里,指望它會生根發芽。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他畢生致力於科學事業。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防禦沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 語文教學既是一門科學又是一種藝術。