- The paper,setting human societies as the background,assesses the forest culture at different stages,displaying the wonder of the forest culture and the inseparable emotion of the mankind to forest. 該文試以人類社會為背景,對不同歷史階段的森林文化做出評價,展示森林文化的精彩和人類同森林之間難以割捨的情結。
- The group has a distinct culture and management style based on strong motivation, professionalism, progressive views and an international outlook. 注重激勵、業化、有遠見的思維和開闊的視野是雅高企業管理獨具一格的基石.
- What we do is to meet the needs of our customers since they are the business core of our enterprise culture and management methods. 顧客是我們企業文化和經營方式的業務核心。我們所作的一切都是為了滿足顧客的需求。
- At the night of Nov.8th,the MSTC of South China University of Technology held a large lectures about Microsoft culture and management at the 340202 room, North Campus. 此次講座邀請到了微軟(中國)有限公司華南區企業客戶技術總監馬笑天和企業服務部服務經理任曉明。講座吸引了華南理工大學的莘莘學子,座無虛席。
- They will not bethinking of the business culture and promote business and management services continued toimprove steadily in the process of upgrading.The first good quality. 項目類型包括住宅小區、別墅、寫字樓、商場、公寓和工業園區,首佳在項目數量、服務面積、人才規模、經濟效益等多年保持著高速增長;
- These exchanges of visits have covered many fields,ranging from military education,training and management to scientific research,academic study,culture and sports,and medical care. 這些交往涉及科研、學術、軍事教育、軍事訓練、軍隊管理、文化體育、醫療衛生等諸多方面。
- These exchanges of visits have covered many fields,ranging from scientific research,academic study to military education,training and management,culture and sports,and medical care. 這些交往涉及科研、學術、軍事教育、軍事訓練、軍隊管理、文化體育、醫療衛生等諸多方面。
- Primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized. 野蠻的,未開化的文化和習慣原始的; 不文明的
- Forest Culture and Its Status in the System of Chinese Culture 森林文化及其在中華文化體系中的地位
- These exchanges of visits have covered many fields, ranging from military education, training and management to scientific research, academic study, culture and sports, and medical care. 這些交往涉及科研、學術、軍事教育、軍事訓練、軍隊管理、文化體育、醫療衛生等諸多方面。
- The two councils are autonomous bodies empowered to formulate policies for the provision and management of cultural and recreational facilities in the irrespective areas. 臨時市政局和臨時區域市政局均是自主機構,獲授權制定政策,以提供和管理其轄區的文化康樂設施。
- It is a new scientific mind of management on the basis of conformation of management history, management culture and management sprit, to regard human as a cultural animal. 提出「人是文化動物」的認識,這在管理歷史、管理文化、管理精神整合的基礎上,是科學管理理念的更新。
- The Impact of Forest Culture and Forest Thought on National Character 論森林文化和森林思想對民族性格的影響
- If labour and management don't reach an accommodation there will be a strike. 如果勞資雙方達不成妥協,就會發生罷工。
- Preliminary Discussion on Forest Culture and Forest Park Construction 淺議森林文化與森林公園建設
- A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and management. 妥協也許能打破勞資雙方所處的僵局。
- Govern and manage with the core of culture and drive the development of enterprise and staff with the innovation of enterprise culture. 以文化為核心進行管理,用企業文化的創新來帶動企業與員工的共同發展。
- Responsible for contract renewal and management. 負責合同續簽和管理工作。
- I have a culture and art practice in my company. 我公司開辦一項文化和藝術業務。
- Storage and management of airline empty ULD. 提供航空公司集裝板存儲服務。