- For the past seven year, he live the life of a drifter. 在過去的七年中他過著流浪漢的生活。
- He spent many years as a spy for the enemy. 他為敵人做間諜已許多年了。
- I have been in Harbin for the past two years. 在過去的兩年裡我一直在哈爾濱。
- The bookkeeper was entering up the sales for the past month. 會計正把上個月的銷售帳目登入帳簿。
- Life imprisonment is a term of many years, but not necessarily for the rest of the prisoner's life. 長期監禁的刑期為很多年,但不一定是監禁到囚犯有生之年的終結。
- Club membership has been rolling up for the past few weeks. 俱樂部成員在過去的幾個星期當中一直在逐步增加。
- He's been moonlight for the past years as a driver. 過去一年裡他下班后開車賺外快。
- Paul was the leader for the Lord knows how many years. 保羅做他們的領袖有多少年只有天知道。
- This is the best seller for the past three weeks. 這是三星期來的暢銷書。
- We've had tropical weather for the past few days. 我們過去幾天遇上了酷熱的天氣。
- She vetted for the farms in the area for many years. 她在這裡的農場上當獸醫當了很多年。
- Fear not the future,weep not for the past. 未來不足懼,過去不須泣。
- Best wishes for many years of happiness for the two of you. 祝你們幸福到百年。
- We have had tropical weather for the past few days. 我們過去幾天遇上了酷熱的天氣。
- After writing for the film for many years, he turned to the play. 在他為電影寫作多年之後,轉向寫劇本。
- I've been celibate for the past six months. 我已禁慾六個月。
- He's been hen-pecked for the past 20 years. 他在過去的20年中一直很怕老婆。
- After writing for the film for many years,he turned to the play. 在他為電影寫作多年之後,轉向寫劇本。
- I've been ill for the past three weeks. 我三周來一直在生病。
- For many years,he traveled in brushes for the B.G.Brush Company. 多年來他一直為B.;G