- Lend me 10 yuan, for God' s sake. 看在上帝的份上,借我十塊錢吧。
- For God' s sake don' t worry me. 看在上帝份上,別使我不得安寧。
- For very pity' s sake, have mercy. 請大發慈悲,憐憫我們吧。
- "For God 's sake, Papa," he implored angrily. 「看上帝的面子,爸爸,」他氣沖沖地央求。
- For pity 's sake he took the horn off that horse . 出於同情,他把鞍頭從馬上拿掉。
- Bernie: Fifteen. For my children's sake. 伯尼:一點五成,為了我的孩子們。
- I will swear for the lad 's sake. 我會為那個小夥子作擔保。
- For brevity is very good, where we are, or are not understood. 我們理解的也好,不理解的也好,描述都應該簡短精練。
- For thy name#s sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great. 阿,求你因你的名赦免我的罪,因為我的罪重大。
- Oh, for heaven『s sake, Lizzie, don『t look at me like that. 哦,老天保佑,麗滋,不要那樣看著我。
- But for argument』s sake, let』s restrict this to spirituality. 但是由於討論的緣故,我們把這個限制在精神主義上。
- That information has been omitted from the type attributes below for brevity. 為簡潔起見,下面的type屬性中省略了這些信息。
- For brevity I shall confine myself here to those definitions of saving and investment which correspond to Income No. I. 為了約簡起見,此處我將限於談及那些與第一號收入相當的儲蓄與投資的定義。
- I ignore the sanity check functions that come before the main menu choices for brevity. 為簡短起見,我忽略了在主菜單選項之前出現的正確性檢查函數。
- For brevity in the book, we have omitted many of the comments in the code snippets. 在這本書中,為了簡短,我們刪節了代碼片段中的許多註釋。
- Oscar Wilde and Walter Pater, both notorious advocators of the theory of 「art for art』s sake. 」唯美主義者奧斯卡.王爾德與沃爾特.培特都極力推崇「為了藝術而藝術」的觀點。
- For god』s sake, it』s Edgewater College, the most wild and disobedient school in town! 她是一個中年婦女,臉上皺紋多多,看起來比實際年齡要老十倍(快老回中世紀了)。
- He is famous for the brevity of his speeches. 他以言詞簡潔著稱。
- Her thinness was becoming conspicuous, however, and television consultants were beginning to tell her to consume more food, for God' s sake! 然而,她的消瘦變得很引人注目,電視顧問開始要她看在上帝的份上多消費點兒食物!
- LORD, though our iniquities ***ify against us, do thou it for thy name#s sake: for our backslidings are many; we have sinned against thee. 阿,我們的罪孽雖然作見證告我們,還求你為你名的緣故行事。我們本是多次背道,得罪了你。