In Qing Dynasty, people in the polder districts of Wanjiang Basin shared similar folkways, folk-customs and faiths. 摘要清代皖江流域的圩區中,圩民擁有相似的民風民俗和宗教信仰。
In this case the intimacy of the boy and girl might be little more than the continuance in this country of old-world folkways. 在這種情況中,男女青年間的這種親密關係無非就是舊大陸的民俗在這個國家的某些延續。
State ways cannot change folkways. 國家手段不能改變社會習俗。
If the new rulers could not fit their freedoms into the old system of folkways, the old authorities showed just as little responsibility. 如果說新的統治者未能使他們的自由觀念適應舊有習俗體系,那麼舊有的權勢力量也表現得不負責任。