- He focuses the lens of a microscope. 他調整顯微鏡的透鏡以定焦點。
- The book focuses on abstract analysis. 這本書著重於抽象分析。
- Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point. 每個練習各有不同的語法重點。
- Our company focuses on you, the customer. DHL處處以客為先,著眼於您的需要。
- Concordes investigation Focuses On Burst Tire. 法航協和事故調查聚焦爆裂輪胎上。
- It's a culture focuses on humannature. 是一種注重人情和人性的精神型文化。
- Focuses on targeting multiple platforms. 重點討論如何以多個平台為目標。
- Ethics focuses on human behaviors. 倫理學以人的行為為對象。
- For me, a good test focuses on one thing. 對於我來說,一個好的測試取決於一樣東西。
- Were our focuses dragged by Big Players? 我們的注意力是否被大玩家們拽著走?
- Mediation focuses on processing in-flight messages. 中介主要用於處理動態消息。
- What religion focuses on gentleness? 哪個宗教的重點是溫柔呢?
- On which kind of goods this shop focuses? 這個商店的主要經營方向?
- This chapter focuses on two broad groups. 但最令我激動的是第二類人群。
- The show focuses on making fun of politicians. 這場演出旨在嘲弄那些政客。
- Shareholder value analysis only focuses on stage 3. 股東價值分析只關注第三部分。
- "Your Health" focuses on suicide in Japan. 「您的健康」節目將聚焦日本人的自殺問題。
- The Builder focuses on building a planetary empire. 建造者集中於建立一個星球帝國。
- A lens that focuses the image in a camera. 照相機上對著圖像調焦的鏡頭。
- It focuses on the user perceptions. 它的重點在於用戶的理解。