用作名詞 (n.)
- It will be on next week at the open-air theatre in one of the London pareks.
- fly in the face of Providence 公然做違反天意的事...
- let that fly stick in the wall 對那個問題不要再談了...
- fly in the face of 敢於違抗(侮辱)...
- the fly in the ointment 美中不足之處...
- a fly in amber 保存得好的珍貴遺物...
- fly in 降落
- fly in the teeth of 當面反抗(公開對抗...
- fly in the face of discretion 輕舉妄動,招禍...
- fly in pieces 成碎片飛散
- a fly in the ointment 美中不足之處...
- fly in the ointment 小挫折