- If the fluorine content is high, it may increase plant corrosion. 如果氟的含量高,會加劇設備的腐蝕。
- Study on change regulations of nutritional composition and fluorine content of Potamogoton Pectinatus L. 龍鬚眼子菜營養成分及氟含量變化規律的研究。
- Additionally, the fluorine content of drinking water and fresh corn are too low to lead to ... 當地飲用水和新鮮的玉米中氟的含量亦很低,不足以導致氟中毒。
- Therefore,the conventional gas content measurement is invalid to lignite. 因此,傳統的煤層氣含量確定方法不適用於褐煤。
- The high fluorine content groundwater was resulted by the complicated geophysic and geochemistry causes. 由於複雜的地球物理化學原因導致了地下水形成高氟水。
- The influence of fluorine content and PVC to the properties of the coatings is studied. 研究了氟含量對塗層耐候性的影響及塗料的PVC對塗層性能的影響。
- Although the Fluorine content in urine and the rate of dental fluorosis of the children l... 因此,開發利用地熱水后,對周圍環境污染及遠期的健康影響應予以重視。
- Determination methods of total fluorine content in phosphogypsum were discussed. 對磷石膏中的氟含量的測定方法進行了探討。
- Hydroxyfluorapatite (FHA) bioceramics of different fluorine content were prepared by the method of solid reaction sintering. 採用固相反應熱燒結法製備不同氟含量的含氟羥基磷灰石(FHA)生物陶瓷。
- The study showed that the fluorine content in groundwater was from having fluorine content mineral and dissolving of adsorptive fluorine in rock. 研究認為,地下水中的氟主要來自與所接觸的岩土體中含氟礦物和吸附性的氟的溶解。
- The experiment was carried out to analyze the water-soluble fluorine content in Laoshan green tea and its influencing factors. 通過採樣分析,對嶗山綠茶水溶性氟含量及其主要影響因素進行了研究。
- The high-As coal was very limited in western Gzuihou and the fluorin content is within normal range. 貴州地方病氟中毒的氟源是拌煤黏土,而非煤本身。
- C/O values of shaly sands matrix in core samples have been got from neutron activation analysis of cores, X ray diffraction measurement and carbon content measurement. 通過對岩心樣品的中子活化分析,X射線衍射法測量和定碳儀測量,確定出岩心中泥質砂岩骨架的碳氧比值,從而找到泥質對碳氧比值的影響因素。
- The wax content measurement and impurity eliminating and dewaxingof pricklyash seed oil,it is the other key technology that has hindered pricklyash seed oil processing long time. 花椒種籽油的含蠟量測定與脫蠟是長期困擾花椒種籽油處理的一項關鍵技術。
- Authors determined the fluorine content of potable water in some areas of liaoning province and put forward to the effective measures to overcome the lack of fluorine. 應用此法,對遼寧省部分地區飲用水的氟含量進行了測定,並針對氟含量偏低的情況,提出了行之有效的解決方法。
- This article reviews the latest research into pentosan, including its composition and structure, methods of content measurement and its applications in bread-making. 本文回顧了近年來有關戊聚糖的最新研究進展,包括其組成、結構、含量及其測定方法以及在麵包烘焙中的應用等。
- A fluorine-contg.textile finishing agent emulsion was prepad.and characterized by FTIR and laser granularity tester.The influences of fluorine content,finishing agent concn. 製備了一種乳液型含氟織物整理劑,並用FTIR、激光粒度分析儀對它進行了表徵;
- Results Fluorin content of sample determined didn t exceed investigation content allowed of fluorin except dry corn and capsicum. 結果除老玉米和辣椒氟含量超標外,其餘品種均未超過國家氟允許量標準。
- Authors determined the fluorine content of potable water in some arcas of Liaoning province,and put forward to the effective measures to overcome the lack of fluorine. 應用此法,對遼寧省部分地區飲用水中的氟含量進行了測定,並針對氟含量偏低,提出了行之有效的解決方法。
- And then, the distribution law of fluorine in groundwater was confirmed by studying interaction of various factors that affected the fluorine content in groundwater. 通過對影響地下水中氟含量的各種因素之間的相互作用進行分析研究,進而確定地下水中氟的富集規律。