- The punch in the stomach completely winded me. 我肚子上挨了一拳一時完全喘不過氣來。
- Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖和澱粉在胃裡被分解。
- I feel a dull pain in the stomach. 我覺得胃部隱隱作痛。
- The goat gave me a butt in the stomach! 那頭山羊用角抵我的肚子。
- During the fight he was knifed in the stomach. 在戰鬥中,他的腹部被刀剌中。
- The wolf butted the man in the stomach. 那隻狼用頭撞那個人的腹部。
- Do you feel a dull pain in the stomach? 你是否覺得胃部隱隱作痛?
- He reposited the stomach in the abdomen. 他把胃重新放回腹內。
- I have a sharp stab of pain in the stomach. 我的胃突然感覺一陣劇痛。
- He suffered a sharp pain in the stomach. 他胃痛得厲害。
- Pain in the stomach or abdomen;colic. 腹痛肚子或腹部疼痛;絞痛
- She gave him a jab in the stomach with her elbow. 她用胳膊肘猛頂他的肚子。
- The attacker kicked him in the stomach. 襲擊者一腳踢在他肚子上。
- Syndrome of cold fluid retention in lung 寒飲蘊肺證
- Sugar can be broken down in the stomach. 糖在胃中能被分解。
- The prisoner butted the policoman in the stomach. 犯人以頭撞警察之腹部。
- The punch in the stomach completely windedme. 我肚子上挨了一拳一時完全喘不過氣來。
- Syndrome of fluid retention in chest and hypochondrium 飲停胸脅證
- I have squeezing pain in the stomach. 我胃部絞痛。
- He hit him in the stomach and winded him. 他一下擊中他的肚子,打得他喘不過氣。