- To stir or skim(molten iron) with an iron bar. 用撥火棒攪動用一鐵棍攪動或撇去(熔鐵)
- To stir or skim(molten iron)with an iron bar. 用撥火棒攪動用一鐵棍攪動或撇去(熔鐵)
- The limestone absorb impurity from the ore and form a fluid slag which floats on the surface of the heavier molten iron. 石灰石吸咐了鐵礦石中的雜質,形成浮在較重的鐵水表面上的流動渣。
- And the charge of molten iron is poured into the top. 從爐頂上把鐵水倒入爐中。
- The results indicated that there exists obvious gas gap in molten iron flowing front, and the pressure in gas gap with EPS pattern during vacuum pouring is less than1 atm. 試驗結果表明,鑄鐵件流動前沿不僅存在明顯的氣隙,而且採用聚苯乙烯模樣材料,負壓下澆注時,其氣隙壓力低於1個大氣壓。
- Before desulfating molten iron, the slag should be eliminated. 在對高爐鐵水脫硫處理前,要先除去鐵水中的爐渣。
- The resul ts indicated that there exists obvious gas gap in molten iron flowing front, and the pressure in gas gap with EPS pattern during vacuum pouring is less than 1 a tm. 試驗結果表明,鑄鐵件流動前沿不僅存在明顯的氣隙,而且採用聚苯乙烯模樣材料,負壓下澆注時,其氣隙壓力低於1個大氣壓。
- Carburization of molten iron in the dropping zone of BF has been studied. 高爐鐵水滲碳的主要階段在滴落帶,爐缸內的滲碳過程不會掩蓋滴落帶的滲碳規律。
- The experimental result of the molten iron desiliconization in laboratory are summarised. 總結了實驗室條件下鐵水脫硅實驗結果。
- The hearth is the lowermost cylindric part of the furnace. It is used to contain molten iron and slag. 爐缸在爐子的最下部,呈圓柱形。其作用是容納鐵水和爐渣。
- The converter is tipped on to its side and the charge of molten iron is poured into the top. 轉爐向一邊傾斜,熔鐵從頂部倒進去。
- An iron bar with one end bent like a rake, used to stir and skim molten iron in puddling. 長柄耙一根鐵棍,一端彎成耙狀,在攪煉時用於攪動並去除熔爐灰
- The limestone absorb impurityfrom the ore and form a fluid slag which floats on the surface of the heavier molten iron. 石灰石吸咐了鐵礦石中的雜質,形成浮在較重的鐵水表面上的流動渣。
- Because the molten iron in the core is a good electrical conductor, the field is trapped in the fluid, the frozen field effect. 因為地核里的熔解鐵是良好的電導體,磁場被限制在流體內,這便是凍結磁場效應。
- Bessemer converter:a large pear-shaped container in which molten iron is converted to steel by the Bessemer process. 貝塞麥轉爐:一種大型、梨狀的容器,在其中熔化的鐵通過貝塞麥鍊鋼法製成鋼。
- The outer core of the Earth, about two-thirds of the way to the center, is molten iron. 地球的地核外部,大致到達中心三分之二的地方是熔化的鐵。
- Bessemer converter:a large pear-shaped container in which molten iron is converted to steel by the Bessemer process . 貝塞麥轉爐:一種大型、梨狀的容器,在其中熔化的鐵通過貝塞麥鍊鋼法製成鋼。
- The feature, structure and installing, regulating and calibrating method of track scale for molten iron are introduced. 介紹了鐵水稱重軌軌道衡的特點、結構、安裝調試及校準方法。
- Add to the mold, and cast from molten iron, then finished, to be the ideal product. 放入模具中,用鐵水澆鑄而成,然後進行精加工,從而得到理想的產品。
- Because the molten iron in the core is a good electrical conductor,the field is trapped in the fluid,the frozen field effect. 因為地核里的熔解鐵是良好的電導體,磁場被限制在流體內,這便是凍結磁場效應。