- 雄甾烷類肌肉鬆弛葯Skeletal muscular relaxants
- 她緊張的神經鬆弛下來。Her nervous tension relaxed.
- 二丙烯基正箭毒鹼 -肌肉鬆弛葯alcuronium chloride
- 葯medicine
- 神經鬆弛葯neuroleptic drug
- 迷走神經鬆弛的vagolytic
- 神經鬆弛劑neuroleptic medicine
- 用藥use medicine
- 喝點白蘭地吧,這會使你緊張的神經鬆弛下來。Have some brandy; it'll calm your nerves.
- 葯的medicinal
- 他正受神經緊張之苦。He is suffering from nervous tension.
- 吃藥take the medicine
- 春藥aphrodisiac
- 她離開書店時神經鬆弛了許多,我幫助別人的那種自豪感也總是在心中迴旋。She left the store less anxious, and I've always remembered the pride I felt in having helped her.
- 無可救藥incurable
- 消炎藥antibiotic medicine
- 解藥antidote
- 具有檸檬香味,可令神經鬆弛,消除緊張,治療頭痛,幫助睡眠,抗抑鬱;可泡浸做蘋果醋護髮素,適合油性發質,治療頭皮乾燥痕?及頭皮屑。產地:美國。Used to heal catarrh, fever, flatulence, headaches, influenza, and toothaches; also used as a carminative, diaphoretic, anti-depressant and sedataive. Origin: USA.
- 給葯administration
- 開藥to prescribe for an illness