- There are many herds of cattle in the meadow. 牧場上有許多牛群。
- Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of fresh grass. 有些部落為了尋找新鮮的牧草而帶著他們的牲畜遷移。
- The stockman rounded up the cattle in the meadows. 飼養員把草地上的牛都趕在一處。
- They caught him rustling cattle in their farmyard. 他們撞見他在他們的場院里偷牛。
- He raised beef cattle in Australia. 他在澳大利亞飼養肉牛。
- We wintered our cattle in the warm valley. 冬天我們在溫暖的山谷中飼養家畜。
- Cattle in the stockyard are waitingto be slaughtered. 圍欄里的牛正等待屠宰。
- They lived in one end of a barn, with cattle in the other. 他們住在倉房的一端,另一端是牲畜。
- Cattle in the stockyard are waiting to be slaughtered. 圍欄里的牛正等待屠宰。
- There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef. 在牧地里放的是牛,在餐桌上吃的是牛肉。
- The farmer nearly lost one thousand cattle in the fire. 在火災中,這個農民差一點損失了一千頭牲口。
- They were mounds of earth to keep cattle in and to mark boundaries. 這些灌木籬笆就是以隆起的土圈限牲畜活動以及標記土地界限。
- Cowboys round up their cattle in the spring time to brand the new calves. 牛仔們在春天時把牛趕攏在一起,給新生下來的看犢打上印記。
- Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of color=# cc0066> fresh grass. 有些部落為了尋找新鮮的牧草而帶著他們的牲畜遷移。
- Cowboys refer to the men who look after cattle in the western part of America. 牛仔是指美國西部照料牛群的牧人。
- Monks, this person was a slaughterer of cattle in this same Rajagaha. 十三諸比丘!如此眾生是王舍城之屠牛者。
- Conclusion: TVR can penetrate the mammary skin in dairy cattle in vitro. 結論:中獸葯復方塗膜劑乳炎清對奶牛乳房皮膚具有一定的透皮效果。
- The stamp in the library book shows it must be returned tomorrow. 圖書館的書上的戳記表明,這本書必須在明天歸還。
- The fleeing rebels found a sanctuary in the nearby church. 叛亂後逃跑的人躲入附近教堂尋求庇護。
- The machine can stamp out hundreds of components in an hour. 這台機器每小時可以衝出幾百個元件。