- The medical unit made its way eastwards. 醫療隊向東行進。
- From here on the medical unit would proceed with only a guide. 再過去,醫療隊只帶著一個嚮導繼續前進。
- The medical unit proceeded with a guide into the forest. 醫療隊在嚮導的帶領下朝森林中行進。
- Medical units were operating in the disaster area. 醫療小組正在災區工作。
- Conclusions Sufficient medical preparation, fixed medical aid post, psychological quide are very important for members of relief team. 結論充分的醫療準備工作,搭建固定醫療點、心理疏導衛生防疫是做好自身醫療保障的重要保證。
- An initial attempt for radical excision for the atrial tumor was made at a regional medical unit, but failed. 在地區醫院作診斷後,曾嘗試接受腫瘤切除,但未成功。
- This Center is the earliest medical unit that carries out the head Gamma knife tumor actinomorphic, and equipped with all sorts of medical devices. 中心是廣州地區最早開展頭部伽瑪刀腫瘤適形放射治療的醫療機構,配備有各類全的放療設備。
- The 39-year-old doctor embedded with the Navy medical unit in the Iraq war, drawing attention when he performed surgery on an injured Iraqi child. 這名39歲的醫生在伊拉克戰爭效力於海軍醫療單位時,因為一名受傷的伊拉克兒童進行手術而引發關注。
- Also, those medical units reduced or even rendered the operations gratis. 此外,醫療單位也對患者的手術費進行了減免。
- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- Fixed Medical Treatment Facility 永久性醫療設施
- To elucidate key for the victory in the competition of the medical market, and the importance of communication inside hospital, and construction of a harmonious developing medical unit. 闡述了加強醫院內部溝通,做到團結一致求發展,建設和諧發展的醫療機構,是醫療市場競爭獲勝的關鍵。
- The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire. 那人用千斤頂把他的汽車頂起以修理漏氣的輪胎。
- I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up. 我買了一間破敗的農舍,打算整修整修。
- We needed someone to fix the tape recorder. 我們需要有人來修理錄音機。
- Vaseline gauze dressing was changed primarily for medical units, wound drainage, use ostomy lumen. 凡士林紗布主要供醫療單位換藥,創口引流,內腔造瘺用。
- I can fix up you with a used car. 我可以為你提拱一輛舊車。
- Prescribed ephedrine preparations can only be sold to medical units which shall sell on the strength of doctors'prescriptions. 麻黃素單方製劑只能賣給醫療單位,醫療單位憑醫生處方銷售。
- I tried to fix the date in my mind. 我試著把那個日期牢記在心。
- He promised to fix me up with a nice girl. 他答應為我介紹一位妙齡女郎。